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Posts posted by joe399

  1. Hey guys, I have 31 jumps with my A license I got at 25 jumps and 35 min of tunnel.. I don't have any gear and haven't jumped since 11/07. I stopped jumping because I bought a motorcycle and did not know what kind of gear to get so im looking to get back into the sport...Obviously im going to re train first but im trying to get an idea of cost to get a good rig...

    Last I jumped with was a nav 220 student set up and I never had a bad landing knock on wood! looking for free fly friendly...

    Cost: 3-4k w aad
    Good used or new,

    Can someone point me in some directions? Thanks.
    25th dive A license

  2. Wait, Because your not an instructor you cant comment on how long you think it might take?

    Im telling him time, not what to do during a mal. lol

    Clayon. Where do you live? If you live around a year' round dz your good to go. I know at my dz...Skydive elsinore you had to take an AFF every month or re take a quick safety class. That being said. It took me about 6 months and 25 jumps to get my A license. You can do it as fast as you can. I know people who got theirs in 3 weeks or less.

    Also, I have never been taxed on anything like that...your buying a service...not a product.

    Since you have a few mintues in a know the feel of the wind and that is usually the biggest shock to people...I say do an AFF...the level 1 teacher should be good enough to teach someone with zero jump experience and thats what they get paid to do.

    Have fun!

  3. Quote

    I work at iFly Hollywood.

    Well then I probably saw you today!. I did a 20min session today, I was the kid with all the motorcycle gear around 12:40. I worked with Drew (Thanks for the recommendation Bowen) Hes a great instructor. he really knows how to talk you through the maneuvers and he can fly like a mad man!

    I told him my long term goal was freeflying. I worked about 5 minutes bellyflying showing him a I was in control and then we moved to back flying. As hard as it was drew told me I was doing great and kept telling me what to do. By the end of the session I felt pretty good and ready for another 20 minutes (and another paycheck..damn that rent)


    Every instructor has their own style and can teach you so much, if you build a rapport with them. As stated by others, yes, both Drew and Steve are wonderful instructors. Personally, I would try working one session with each one. I have done that myself (worked with various coaches - Airspeed, Gravity, Perris Fury coaches, IFly TIs, etc.), when learning new skills. I have never felt that my money spent on tunnel time was not worth it.

    Also, I have spent almost all of my tunnel time learning new skills (prior to working at iFly) to improve my 4-way RW flying. Imo, improving one's bellyflying skills is NOT wasting time, especially not, if you are a new skydiver. The best flyers are strong in all disciplines. Master one, if you'd like, but try to be proficient in as much as possible.

    Thanks for the info. another long term goal is, like stated, is to be a master in all disciplines. I totally agree with you about working with new people. I use to race amature motocross, and one of the BEST things you could do, is ride every style, both outdoors and supercross style. Again, I didn't really mean wasted my time, Its just I try to spend what little money I have on the best possible situation to make it most valuable

    The tunnel is great! Very smooth and QUITE on the outside. Plus its in a great location! Perris has some serious competition, even is ifly is a little small the prices are great!

    Thanks again everyone

  4. Quote


    I currently have 28 skydives....I feel like I might just waste my time bellyflying.

    Odd, I have 1800+ jumps and 30 hours of belly fly tunnel - never feel like I'm wasting my time~

    Seriously, tunnel is an awesome tool to use for improving skydiving skills. Tunnel instructors, as professionals in their discipline, will have plenty of experience, enough to coach you in the earlier stages of skydiving. As you get more experienced and better then you may more require the extra skill levels of other coaches.

    Not so much wasting my time, but im on a budget so I try to make the most out of everything. I brought up the experience thing because its a brand new tunnel. That makes sense though.

    Thanks a lot

  5. ifly Hollywood has a early bird special going on, 20 minutes for $187 and 10 min for 150. 50 bucks extra for a coach. I only live about 30 minutes away. Perris is pretty expensive running at 220 for 15min. and its about an hour away...

    Does anyone know the coach's and instructors at ifly? Im a little worried about the experience level.

    Speaking of which, I currently have 28 skydives, and I got my A on my 25th. In between my 3/4 aff I did 15 minutes at perris and felt it was worth it. but I also was allowed to skip a level.

    If I did another 15-20 in the tunnel what should I work on? I feel like I might just waste my time bellyflying. Should I just save my money, rent gear and jump more and go back later so I can work on backflying and etc...?


  6. For anyone looking for pictures...this place looks great. Very hollywood. Cant wait to try it out! Im only about 30 min away...perris is a little over an hour[url]

  7. and it was pretty weird. I was doing a hop and pop with an instructor and we jumped,we tracked a little...then he took out a laptop, and in a sit fall he started using it...while i was trying to keep up with his fall rate flying belly down. B|

    it felt like a 13k skydive, then I went to pull, and I remember it taking like 10 seconds before anything happend, then my canopy tried to inflate but never really did, At that point I remember checking my altitude and seeing 1.5 and I cutaway, Which was really hard to pull for some reason, then the reserve.

    landed fine and the ground crew said they had to go into a oil patch over some hills which were glowing red. It looked like I had just landed in hell...

    I also remember thinking "I gotta go post what just happend on"B|
    weird huh?

    BTW, I should be getting my A tomorrow. Cant wait...Anyone going to be at Elsinore?

  8. Quote

    So where was Travis Pastrana this weekend? It sure seemed like Puerto Rico could use him. But Pastrana ended up racing rally cars, finishing second in a U.S. national to Subaru teammate Ken Block. Then he decided to go do a little skydiving for the next Nitro Circus, dubbed "Thrillbillies!" Pastrana jumped out of an airplane at 15,000 feet WITH NO PARACHUTE! He was "caught" by a couple of other jumpers. So that's how Johnny Utah did it in Point Break! From what we're hearing, Thrillbillies is going to be insane.

  9. Quote

    Canceled as of 5pm 7/27/07

    C-130 is here for a motion picture that is having sone parts shot over Sonoma and Napa counties
    the filming starts on 8/3/07 The C-130 will be parked at Napa or Sonoma County Airports

    C-130J Jump Tickets $25 ea.
    Send NO money in advance!!!
    Reservations only at this time!!!
    8/25/2007 to 8/31/2007
    C-130J on loan to us for DEMO
    Jumps. Taking off from Napa
    Airport California and landing
    in the staging area at Indy Grand
    Prix of Sonoma Infineon Raceway
    Sonoma, CA. We will jump on the
    2ed pass over the race track.
    The first pass will let out the
    American Flag Jumper with a
    giant American flag. Then we
    all exit with in one minute to be
    the opening act of the NASCAR
    Races. You get to stay and see
    the race for free. Afterwards
    there will be 2 chartered buses to
    take us back to the Airport. The
    C-130 will be available to jump
    for the following 9 days if there
    is enough interest. Exit will be
    at 14,000 Ground Elevation is
    64ft from ground to exit in 6 min.
    there will be food venders available.
    The jumpers with the most experance
    will get to do the Demo Jump


    ok dude, now your really not making sense.

    What exactly are you trying to do again?

  10. Quote


    Hehe, I believe it was originally intended as a "Shut The F#$! Up".

    I like the trekkie interpretation better though.

    Well, that is not a very nice thing to say (more needless online tough talk), I am with you and prefer the trekkie path as well...

    your right, good thing I wasn't talking to you huh? ;)

    again, simply put, its a safety issue, and again, the whole mindset (its not mine, I don't care about it) is pretty wrong too. I think the issue is clear here. Glad you got your dz to change your ways.

  11. Quote



    I would ASSume that you jumped at ASS for your 1st jump we are not allowed to smoke nor eat and drink on the packing matt...a bottle of water may not get anyones attention..however a lit cig near the matt will.

    - snip -

    If thats actually allowed and your not a troll...........then its simple........dont jump there and please let me/us know as to never visit that DZ.

    Let me be clear I've not named the DZ with the smoker packer. Primarily I don't want to cause problems if it isn't a huge safety issue. I had a great experience at A.S.S and they didn't allow any smoking within 50' of the packing tent.


    you seem to try to project a longer time in sport
    for some one with only 2 jumps at two different drop zones and all you seem to be doing is picking them to piceses with vague information
    why dont you get some jump life up and then comment on they way you see things!
    instead of random complaints about safety

    Dude, STFU, What the hell are you talking about? From day one a person is taught SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY. That is all. Smoking is a SAFETY issue, And it should NOT be allowed. It dosent matter to ANYONE how many jumps someone has to know whats wrong and whats not.

    Ignorant man. vague information? what more do you want?

  12. Yea im new here, and yea, im a student, but that dosent mean anything now. Just had a question..whats up with this board?

    No IMG tags so you cant post pictures...

    No signatures...

    A look from the year 2000

    Why havent you ( the owners/operators) updated this site a little?

    Something like this, I think its a pretty good looking forum and it works great...

    A section for large states or even "west coast" "midwest" and "east coast" Would be VERY nice.

    Just some thought...Its too "generic" for such a wild bunch of skydivers...I could put you in touch with some people that could make a nice Vbulletin forum...

  13. Quote

    congrats dude, ill probably see ya around some time, but till then best thing is to just have fun. your now able to jump w/o supervision, just go have fun, do 6k' worth of flips or whatever you want, just stay away from Freeflying on those student rigs, also remember that a student is allowed to fly with someone with a coach rating, talk to Mark about that too. Coach jumps you can learn a lot with.
    ~Blue Skies
    and have fun

    thanks man, yea I know about the student gear deal, I meant eventually when I get my own stuff which will be freefly gear. If your out their, look for a young lookin kid walking around like the new guy...sometimes I come out with my gf too...small and black names Joe...

    Mark is a good guy, He did a few jumps with me and my tunnel time as well. I wont be able to get to jump till sometime next week...what exactly are coach jumps?...basically just someone I can jump with to practice some things? I gotta say...I really loved doing the flips and rolls...

  14. Well, Its been a long hard battle (with $) but a with maxed out credit card...2 months 7 jumps and 15 min in the tunnel. I graduated my AFF class on level 8 at Skydive Elsinore in Lake elsinore CA.

    One word, awesome. I never failed a class and my instructor for level 8 threw me into a front flip when we docked with out telling me just to see how I would react. Lots of fun.

    Elsinore rocked. I highly recommend them. Now I just need to get my solos done, and take a packing class and get my A license!

    Question...what do you guys recommend me practicing for my solos? I know its a general question...but a general answer would be good...I would like to progress into doing free flying...and having fun (duhh)

    some pics...