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Posts posted by johan420

  1. i think a nuclear strike will involved the whole world don`t you think? ...but hey.....who cares? as long as you guys have money for your jumpticket...everything will be okay,
    hmm, wonder why im in this board? maybe im just waiting for the big bang....

  2. I don`t know if you guys are aware of this stuff but..your candidate for vicepresident threaten russia with nuclear strike....but i guess this thread is way more important right?....what a fucked up world i living in....let`s keep the discussion swinging, don`t worry about tomorrow....

  3. Quote

    This is an anonymous e-mail I recieved this morning.At least when I have something to say I don't hide behind an anonymous e-mail.

    I have to tell you something. A few of us at the local DZ were talking about what a joke is and it is because of people like you that have to post a response to everything. Did you ever go back a read your own posts? A guy dies doing base and you have to post a quick WHAT IS THIS HERE for? Some else dies and you have to post your cute little TIME IN SPORT? NUMBER OF JUMPS?

    Wow, you really are a jagoff. In my 17 years in the sport and 6200 jumps I have met a few like you and they make me sort of laugh. Coming off as self important but really just a joke. Keep up the good work. We like to have something to laugh about at our DZ.

    PS Do you ever get any work done?

    Think about it...
    By posting this elegy on this board don`t you think that will make you the same inmature person as the anonymous person who send you this email?????

    edit to add: and no, im not the anonymous wanker in case you wonder....

  4. ...he didn`t post much in here(mostly because he was banned most of the time) but i think he deserve a place here anyway...he was my best basefriend and we shared some good times out there, i can only tell he didn`t behave in real life like he did here on this board.. or the board on the other side of the wall...not even close!!! we started skydiving and BASE on same time..he passed away in a car accident tuesday morning...i will miss him like hell[:/]

  5. Howdy BOB...guns in your car huh? wow...american style all the way thought is with you right now...NOT!!
    Sorry sister...can`t help it, but thanks for give me a good laughter over here...

  6. Quote

    Doesn't base jumping have it's own web site?
    Do you not have a gear thread of some sort?

    I don't mean to stir you guys up, I totally get what base is all about and I get why people dig it so much....but why are we discussing base gear on a skydiving web site??:S

    is someone putting a gun to your head and force you to read this damn thread?????? not everyone one this board is BASE haters...."triple bonus rolling eyes"

  7. We share the same weight..i do jump a vented Troll245(260PIA spec), i know i could easily go for a 240 range(i used to jump that before)....i thinking about buying a Hybrid L/D and a Trango185(200PIA spec)-or 205(219PIA spec)...i probably go for a 205.....

  8. the manufactors will always set a recomanded wingload...just to be on the safe side on the road, but this wl could always be pushed...the manifactors will never tell how much it could be pushed..
    Bu i have gone the other way before and underloaded canopies..with poor headingperformance as a seems like a overloaded CP would turn the other direction..better heading performance..
    Im just guessing here...heading performance is the most important thing here since i would use it in base..
    Riggers are welcome to chime in here..

  9. What will exactly happen if you overload a canopy witch are designed for very low loading..ex a BASE canopy? this canopies are likely designed for 0,6-0,8..
    Im up for buying a low volumpacket non vented BASE canopy for the sake of a low profile design rig..
    Im posting this here because of the lack of rigging knowledge on the other side of the wall

  10. why do u think he`s alive? no..., he`s not alive...he landed in my i shoot him and took his wallet and his his rig....he doesn`t even had money in the wallet...that sucked balls....but i love the canopy....i still jump it(PD 170)