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Dropzone Reviews posted by AnKaLi

  1. This is the best DZ in Michigan. I started off here a bit unsure of myself and I had nothing but solid support and excellent instructors (Ryan, Karl, Brian) along the way. Had it not been for the positive vibe at Tecumseh I would not be where I am today!

    Tecumseh has a big wide open landing area that has been segregated for HP landings and standard pattern landings, and the student area is free of obstacles, you couldn't ask for a better area to land in.

    Facilities are great, showers, camping room, indoor packing, etc. And the bonfires at the end of the day are the best!

    Whether you come for IAD, AFF, or to do a Tandem you will be handled with professionalism. The transition to new ownership has been quite successful, and I can't wait to see how this place grows.
    Thanks Franz!