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Posts posted by speedformula

  1. Hello Everybody, I have a question concerning my rig, I ordered it in the year 2000 and I did a bunch of jumps on it , maybe about 500 and around the year 2005 I stopped jumping , and ever since its been sitting in the garage in a plastic bag, I dont use it anymore , Im wondering if its still jumpable ,  I took it out of the bag this weekend to air it out and it still looks good

    but im no expert ,  any toughts ? i want to sell it eventually 

    Thanks ! 

  2. Sad:: Im at work and just learned on the internet Ramiro went in :: I dont know all the details but Im very sad for him::This guy was my favorite friend to see at the dropzone because all we did was jump and talk shit and make jokes: Just very fun to be around with:

    Im really really gonna miss You my Brother : I hope You find Yourself in a better place and the condolences to Your Family and loved ones:
    so sorry ! :(((((


    Keeping it real 22x7

  3. Gus: The GS1 is no beginner suit, It would be wise to have your buddy jump the more docile suits for a few jumps at least til He gets his safety procedures down.

    (Assuming Your buddy has no WS experience, otherwise disregard)

    Great flights. He's gonna love his suit.

    Keeping it real 22x7

  4. << What is the thought process behind such a difference in the pricing model.

    Surely there should be some incentive to try the new guy on the block. I am not sure that introductory offers are supposed to be more than what you can currently get that is tried and tested. >>

    Look at it this way ; Youd probably get an extra minute of flight time each time you jump it, so eventually it will pay for itself,

    This is a very special suit;

    Keeping it real 22x7

  5. I tried pretty much all of them, My weapon of Choice is the Sugarglider.

    For flockin I'd prefer the S3 (no fuxx no muxx its just a nice fit),

    My opinion
    everybody has different tastes and needs.

    Keeping it real 22x7