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Everything posted by bigcountry

  1. well then I guess it wont be a problem makeing friends cause I dont mess around when it comes to alchohol, when I go to parties I bring no less than 12-6 packs of this and that :)
  2. thanks for the advice guys, they do have a pay as you go type of deal and I think im ganna go ahead and do that but as far as my financial situation, I have a pretty good job making pretty good money for my age but I just got my car out of the shop so im kinda strapped for cash right now but when I get my next paycheck I will get that book and depending on how much I get on my next paycheck I might get my first lesson
  3. I went up to skydive spaceland in houston today and i've been there a couple of times and i've been interested in skydiving for the longest time now and I met a couple of guys up there that told me to come on here take a look around. i've never done it before but im really inerested in getting into it hardcore and as soon as I can get up the money to pay for it all at once im ganna get in the classes at skydive spaceland. Im 19 so I figure im getting into it at a good age so if anyone has any tips or advice they would like to share with me it would be greatly appreciated