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Everything posted by asamp33

  1. I am laughing so hard reading your post! Everytime I think about starting my AFF my tummie turns a bit.......with EXCITMENT! I think all new to the sport understand your nervousness, I know I do. My main concern is not freefall though, it is under that odd?? As for the words of encouragement, thank you and same back!
  2. Me too! How many jumps do you have so far? Are you doing AFF?
  3. THANKS! I know I am truly lucky to have someone with so much experience there for me! It is a good thing he is so patient too. I have had and will have a TON of questions to bug him with!
  4. Hi, I'm Aimee from Texas. I made my first tandem last weekend and it totally ROCKED! I jumped at Capital Skydive outside of Austin with one of my closest friends, Jason. He has thousands of jumps and has been at me to do this for years...why the h did I wait?? Capital Skydive is an absolutely awesome new DZ (like i have alot to compare it to). The people are great, the place is huge. i STRONGLY recommend if you are ever in the area!! Planning on starting AFF as soon as I move to Austin at that DZ...Cant wait to get started!!