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Posts posted by HillerMyLife

  1. Quote

    Yeah, like the 35 loads I've seen and been on that were consistently shitty spots. I've been there at Z-Hills, Lake Wales, and elsewhere, landed off several loads in a row (along with many others) and been told to fuck off by manifest. Happened at both the aforementioned places in the last 3 years. The first off landing is because I trusted the pilot. Landing off on subsequent loads was a mix of hoping the pilot had his act together and succumbing to the screams of "go, go, go..." from those in the back of the load (I know, my fault, in part). All of these were RW groups exiting first, and certainly not the first, last, or only loads of the day. So don't tell me that the pilot is OK just because he's done it before. The last one, at Z-hills we put up with people screaming at us for 30 seconds before we exited, and we still couldn't make the airport -- They did.

    Been there...close to the end in exit order and I'm spotting my(solo) exit. We are already way past jump run and the green light is still on. I've got this British AFF instructor yelling at me to "Go mate, go!!" I said FUCK NO, I didn't pay to track all the way to the DZ(at least on this jump,working on my sit) Then on the turnaround he gives me this bit about how he's been doing this for 25 years. Thats great and all but when I have to look WAAAAAAY left to even see the DZ something ain't right.
    Someday Never Comes

  2. I've been through some crazy shit, mostly war related. I would say that if I didn't have those memories at all, I would most definately be more fucked up than I am. But I come from a school of thought that says everyone is fucked up(in the head and otherwise) so really...I feel it would be a dis-service to completely erase these memories.

    This is a classic case of science not looking past the glasses sliding down its nose...The ramifications of such a drug would be far reaching in my opinion, and not felt for decades to come.
    Someday Never Comes

  3. You might want to re-consider having a g/f if you'd rather be at the dz than with her.

    So its unreasonable for me to want a few days to do something I love out of an entire Summer?? I'm not buying that...
    Someday Never Comes

  4. Once again everyone, thanks for the input and perspective. I'm still waiting for that really good burn though...what gives guys?!B|

    Anyway I'll try and cover everyones posts with just one so I don't whore up the thread. We've been dating for a little over a year. I've been skydiving for most of that time. Not that a personal character reference can be taken seriously on the net, but I don't cheat, never have. Don't shit where you eat or something like that...It IS possible that she wants to swat away female skydivers but in my experience they don't really chase after the low timers...seems like the skygods get more in that area...

    She was still upset about it a bit and made a comment about how she would just go to the next music festival and not invite me so I could see how it feels. I rather glibly replied that the comparision doesn't make much sense and that if she wanted a good analogy she should take a deaf person to a concert if she wanted to "share" something like me taking her to a boogie. Fuelin' the fire...oh yeah...

    I think getting her things to keep her amused at the DZ is a great idea. Me buying them for her is not such a great idea. She has a job, and she's the one that wants to go not skydive so badly...she can bring it. Or am I being unreasonable??

    Her basic motivation for wanting to go with is just to be with me...or at least thats all she's letting on and so far I haven't had problems getting her to communicate her needs and wants to me. It usually just takes a bit of discussion and everything is out there. This one is pretty genuine.

    And once again I never meant any sort of diss or insult by "not inviting" her. I thought I would be looking out for her, more than anything else. But once again I am amazed by a womens ability in so quickly turning something back on the other party. I guess I shouldn't be though. I'm old enough to know better...
    Someday Never Comes

  5. Hasn't happened...yet!! I do remember thinking about this when my gf(It was still early days) and I made our first jumps(tandem) last year. It was a small Cesna DZ with one TI and we rock paper scissored to see who went first. She won and decided to go first. When I came down from my jump one of the locals was chatting her up, some cheesy shit about how cool it was to fly through a cloud and how "it gets you wet" . But then...my girl needs to wear a sign around her neck that says "Hi! I will be very cool,laid back, and friendly with you, but don't mistake that as my being interested."

    The results are interesting however...
    Someday Never Comes

  6. I expected a few jokes but I was hoping they'd be funny!! Anyone can drop the old "while your flying solo some RW guy is turning points with your girl" bit...lets try and step it up in the future what do ya say gents?? ;)

    Anyway yes we are committed and that aspect really didn't even cross my mind at all. I just know that she wants to be with me, and I also know that she will most likely get bored out there. Theres also the chance that she wants to be around to chase away any female skydivers...just a thought though...

    At any rate the advice is appriciated especially the first guy who replied. It hadn't occured to me that she may one day be at the DZ when I or someone else bounces...good looking there bro.

    The whole reason I started this thread was because I couldn't find any one like it and I figured there'd be no way I was the first dude to ever deal with this sticky issue...
    Someday Never Comes

  7. I'm gonna try and make this short and sweet because I'm sure I'm not the first to have experienced this. Looked for a thread on it and didn't find one...anyway.

    My girl loves hanging with me and I the same. She has come with me to the DZ a few times "just because I want to hang with you" so I bring her with. Thing is...I go to the DZ to skydive and she doesn't. So eventually I get the vibe that says she doesn't want to be there. It doesn't matter I'm staying for the sunset load...her bad not mine right??

    So thats the background...anyway I'm planning on going to several boogies this Summer(never been to one) and I mentioned this to her. She got upset because I didn't invite her, I told her that I didn't think she would enjoy herself it wasn't that I "didn't invite her". But apparently I'm a dick because of that. I guess my question(s) is...will there be wuffo shit at a boogie to keep her entertained, or should I even bring her??
    Someday Never Comes

  8. Not personally but while on a tour in Iraq one of my Corpsman buddies got left behind in a house(we were in a very urban city) by his squad. So Sully goes up to the roof(almost every house in Iraq has a flat roof) to fire it off and and instead of shooting it straight up he aimed at one of our OP's(observation posts)!! It took a minute to figure out what the hell just hapened but we got him back.
    Someday Never Comes

  9. Shit, sounds cool...I wonder if its going to conflict with Bonaroo or 10 Thousand Lakes Festival...Oh well, we all know which has priority anway!! Thanks for the tips all...I'm am very much looking forward to filling my logbook and emptying my bank account.
    Someday Never Comes

  10. How about both?? I mean, as long as being a low timer isn't gonna get me killed at a big boogie...this summer is going to be dedicated to skydiving no matter what. I'll be free at last!!
    Someday Never Comes

  11. Whats up man?? As many have said before you WILL be nervous your first few jumps. The biggest thing is pay attention in your classes because once you've exited the aircraft there isn no flying back in...your going for a skydive!!

    Things that used to make me nervous(like the door opening or that first sensation of falling) I now am almost impatiently waiting for on the ride up. You'll know if its for you after that first leap into the great blue sky and the subsequent landing.

    A side note...do you post on the Adult Swim message boards under the same name??
    Someday Never Comes

  12. Hmm...I guess I never thought about it. I did my last AFF at Perris on the sunset load. Keith and I were the last two out of the Otter and it was gorgeous.

    I can see where you instructors are coming from though, and I can respect the attitude of manage and control as many factors as possible especially when you consider all the things that can happen any way!

    A question on that topic...how much input do instructors have with the school staff on decisions such as these??
    Someday Never Comes

  13. In the military we called new guys who hadn't made a deployment yet "Boots" and tease/insult them with variations of that term. "That was a boot move", yada yada. I know about Whuffo and all but whats the best way for a new jumper to get his cherry popped boogie wise?? I'm looking at my schedule and the World Free Fall Convention is looking mighty tempting...would I be biting off more than I can chew for my first boogie?? Or should I just say fuck it and go get my ass handed to me???
    Someday Never Comes

  14. My post doesn't really have that much to do with the rest of the thread but I figured I'd just post it in here rather than start an entirely different one with only a slightly different spin. Anyway, my 2 cents on the discussion so far. Obviously she IS talented, cute yes(Celeste pulls(ed) off the blue hair way better IMO though) and apparently she had the money and time to dedicate to the sport. As others have said, life is not a level playing field people come from all different spots on the income graph, blah blah. Thats about all I got to say about that...

    My main issue with the article isn't Natasha, her money, her number of jumps, or any of the minutae(thats "bullshit" for you keeping score at home) that goes along with winning any kind of award or being recognized as a standout in anything.

    No, my beef is with whoever impregnated Skydiving with that horseshit excuse for an "article". Not only is their writing style boorish and plain, it time and again falls in the direction of arrogance and a sort of "elite" old boy way of thinking.

    "Many consider 4-way FS to be the most demanding of all our sports various competitive disciplines. This is probably because 4 way is the most popular FAI recognized discipline, if popularity is measured by the number of competitors in active pursuit of medals". Thats nice and all but I could already tell that this was going to turn out to be a "4 way FS Skydiver of the Year" article rather than the plain ole SDotY article I expected. Nothing against 4 way at all its just that its only 1 of a great many ways to jump from an airplane. Some would call that "Skydiving", a crazy notion eh?!

    "So few would have thought that a skydiver with only 4 years in the sport could develop the skills to not only run with the big dogs but beat them all". News flash: Wind Tunnels(not to mention turbine DZ's) are the wave of the future and if you can get time in those sweet things your skills will progress at an exponential rate. I've been in the sport for but a blink of an eye compared to a great many jumpers but that doesn't mean I can't grasp a rudimentary concept such as that. The sport is changing and todays new skydivers have many more options and assets to grow and improve in a span of 4 years than someone who started jumping 10 or more years ago.
    Where have you been??

    "...the two teams entered a sudden death(and those that who have been there know that IS the correct term) jump off. The winner would go on to represent the US at the World Meet; the loser would go home(or to Iraq or Afganistan)" Wow I never knew the stakes were so high...I mean if her team hadn't won, Deland Fire would have packed up their rigs and grabbed assault rifles en route to the sands of Iraq?? Shit thats one more reason I won't compete in 4 way FS!! Wait you were only refering to the Golden Knights?? Oh nevermind then. Besides the Nationals are definately much more of a pressure cooker compared to a tour in a war zone right?? I wouldn't know only having participated in one of those 2 events but I think I have an idea...

    "In fact, that she she was willing to lay down the big bucks impressed the panel. Many jumpers with excellent skills never achieve greatness because they are unwilling to pay the price -literally in dollars or Euros or whatever- to make it happen." Unwilling?? Are you F***ing kidding me? Unwilling huh?? Wow. There must be plenty of jumpers who want to improve their skill set and have the cash but are just plain "unwilling" to drop the dough. Yep. Thats it for sure. I mean if you forget about all the jumpers who starve or don't drive a car just so they can skydive.But who cares about those guys anyway?? They were unwilling to spend right??

    "In short, Montgomery would deserve to be SDotY if she weren't a she" Glad to see having a vagina doesn't disqualify anyone from this award because that would be tragic.

    In short the article was about as subtle and informative as getting kicked in the balls. Appriciate it.
    Someday Never Comes

  15. Hmm...I always just bring a cooler full of beer to the dropzone because there will likely be several firsts every day I jump. Its up to everyone else to grab one if they want but I would never just leave a case of beer at the Bombshelter!!!

    BTW you got a rig before your license?? Whoa...Oh yeah to answer your post. Miller High Life.
    Someday Never Comes

  16. Well if you can cover 90-ish miles fairly quickly(and you should be able to on the 215) Perris Valley Skydive and Skydive Elsinore are both great. I would probably hit up Perris for some weekday jumps though. I was there last Tuesday and there was a load going up about every 40 mins or so, sometimes even turning.
    Someday Never Comes

  17. ***

    Outside of competition nobody on your DZ will insist you focus on one and don't complain that everybody wants you.

    Lots of great points in your post but no where in my OP or this thread have I ever complained that "everyone wants me". I DO consider myself lucky that I live near not 1 but 2 outstanding dropzones. However, I've always had the attitude that skydiving is about true freedom and an endless pursuit of getting better and learning.

    And as I've been suprised to learn, there are more than a couple super type A personalities on the DZ...I don't see how not wanting to focus in one area or another is so important that it must be decided now. I was merely posting about something that I have observed and wanted some feedback on.
    Someday Never Comes

  18. You make some good points. I was fortunate enough to do my check out jump with the same guy who was my main side JM on my first AFF jump. Very cool experience and something that kept me in the game. I like being able to talk to my instructors and get advice from them...

    As far as canopy control goes...no shit!! Over 80% of a skydive is spent under canopy so of course those skills should be stressed. The problem is that there is SO much that can go wrong in freefal(with students)l and that really is the first priority of any AFF skydive...getting under a functioning canopy. But lets be realistic...the only way to get good at canopy is to spend some time flying.

    I like this thread. Its given me a lot of insight to something I want to do, which is instruct people to survive(and enjoy for many years) the fun of skydiving especially the first one...
    Someday Never Comes

  19. Well you know what I mean then...I talk to an LO right after getting my A and its all about "lets get you in an RW suit" and I'm like "Whoa dude I just want to jump and learn from the best"...

    Anyway I'm down to jump with anyone as long as they are safe and have some good references. I won't be there for a couple weekends but me and my buddy camp out right by the garage door at the school...if you haven't heard about the Marines who freeze their asses off camping at the DZ...you probably will soon...we're starting to make a name for ourselves;)

    P.S. He's there this weekend, going for his A...if he gets it tommorow you should definately jump with him...look for the kid in his 20's with some gray hair...thats right Iraq is no joke!!!
    Someday Never Comes