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  1. Despite the logos and pictures that are still visible on the official AAD VIGIL web site, the French Skydiving Federation would like to inform all skydivers around the world that the French Formation Skydiving Team (4 way open - 8 way - 4 way female) is not anymore jumping with the AAD VIGIL and is now jumping since July 2007 with the CYPRES 2 from AIRTEC. Jean-Marc SEURIN National Technical Manager French Parachute Federation
  2. Subjet: VIGIL AAD - The French Parachuting Association is due to report that informations published by M. Eric FRADET on www.dropzone.com forum haven't been validated yet. - Those informations were prematurely published on line and only express the opinion of the author. - The investigation requested by the french government Department for Sport and assigned to the French Parachuting Association is in progress. Final report will be available upon request at the french government Department for Sport. Jean-Marc SEURIN National Technical Director Ministère des Sports - Fédération Française de Parachutisme