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Everything posted by dopeonarope

  1. Hi there - my first post on! I started jumping June this year with a charity tandem skydive....and became hooked very quickly. I started on a RAPS course two weeks later and have now completed 12 static line descents and passed my DP3 level to get to my first freefall. There wasn't enough daylight for me to do my brief and freefall that day, so I am waiting for british weather to be kind to me and allow a weekend of blue skies and light winds to get to FREEFALL! I can't wait - I even took extra toilet rolls as well as my celebratory crate of beer. Upside - I am enjoying skydiving so much and the new friends I have made at the DZ! Brucie, Geordie and the rest of the staff have been so supportive and patient! I have learnt to pack, I help out by washing and repairing jumpsuits, scrub the toilets and catch tandems. (not very good at sitting around waiting am I?) Downside - being made to feel guilty and 'irresponsible' for putting my life at risk (I have 3 children aged 3, 4 and 10 years!) Am I irresponsible or just 'living'? Any other skydive 'mums' who face the same opposition? They just don't 'get it', do they? live life, love life, be happy