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Gear Reviews posted by crashtested

  1. 2nd RW suit, and i love it, fits well, has a huge amount of power in the legs, and the price is Fantastic..
    The measurements they asked for seemed like a lot, but the fit of the suit makes it all worth it.
    Super stoked.

  2. I've flown my electra for a couple of years, at a 1.6 wingloading.

    The canopy has progressed along with me 180 jumps upwards, and been awsome...

    I Demo'd / owned a safire 2 190, Saber 2 210, and a spectre 170, before buying this canopy, and felt that for consistant openings, glide, and flare an electra wins hands down.

    It opens without a massive 1000ft snivel unlike the safire.
    Has flare power at both the top and bottom end unlike the saber 2
    Has Better Glide and swooping responce then the spectre.

    I have put around 350 jumps on my Electra, and its been awesome, Its been a great choice, and PDF have made an awesome peice of kit.

    Highly recomended!!

  3. Ordered my rig from PDF back in August / september 07, I was promised 3 months than 6 months, than 9 months than 1 year, now its feb 26 09, Last week I told them to keep the Rig, I'll go else where, If I can't trust PDF on the ground, then there's no way I'm trusting them in the air. What else have you Forgotten.

    The worst supplier of anything I have never got... The lamest apology from any company.... Maybe PDF should stick to making Rigs for the armed forces, and stop pretending they give a rats ass about Sport skydivers