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Everything posted by AnnahM

  1. I am still a newbie skydiver, coming up on my AFF Level 3 jump either this weekend or next (hopefully this one!) but I would like to toss in my $.02 on this topic. It was only a couple of months ago that I decided to do a tandem jump, but I have always wanted to skydive. I guess the reason I haven't done it before now is because there has been a lot going on in my life that needed sorting out first. Once I did my tandem, and my videographer, (the REAL) Super Dave, asked me how it was, all I could think about was jumping again, on my own especially. Most people I talk to about jumping ask me if I was scared and my honest answer is no. Nervous? they ask. Perhaps a small bit. Damn excited? HELL YEAH! I guess if people knew what I've been through in life they might understand why I'm not afraid of jumping, but nothing on Earth equals the thrill of freefalling and piloting my own canopy safely to the ground! Well, being on stage playing guitar to thousands of screaming fans comes pretty close! What I wonder is this... am I the only one who doesn't feel fear when doing this? Or could I be kidding myself? Maybe my idea of fear is different than other's ideas of it. Could it be that fear and the rush are one and the same, but the names change depending on how you manage the feeling? I also want to add that I think the jumps are just part of the fun. The people you jump with and hang out with before and after your jumps are a big part of the experience, too. Just being part of the scene is a thrill in-and-of-itself. I'm glad to be part of it!
  2. Thanks! I edited it myself with Premiere Pro, using the DVD from the DZ. My version still contains a couple of edits done by cameraman extraordinaire, Super Dave. The first song is "Ridin' on the Wind" by Judas Priest. The second one is "High Speed Dirt" by Megadeth. If I could take an iPod with me when I go solo, I'd have to listen to those during freefall! Of course... I couldn't listen to much of them... lol!
  3. Hey guys! It's been a long time comin'! I finally made my first jump this past Saturday at Skydive San Marcos in Fentress, TX. The experience was as incredibly exciting as I had expected and I can't wait to go for my AFF Level 2 jump in two weeks!!! I've been reading voraciously about skydiving and gear and am looking forward to putting together my own rig one of these days, but I'm starting with the small stuff for now. I'm sure you've all seen more first-timer tandem jump videos than you care to, but here's mine if you're interested: What a great sport and fantastic bunch of people! I'm thrilled to be here! ~Annah