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Everything posted by lince

  1. I checked out your webpage on myspace too. I loved the wingsuits, and I've seen some pretty incredible movies. Still working on the tatoos though, not sure I'll ever be ready for that. The art work is pretty mind-blowing.
  2. Okay, what's IAD? Skydive Terminology was no help. That is so cool the your fiance is jumping too. My boyfriend has been jumping for about six years but a good friend of his had a fatal bounce and he always seemed reluctant to talk to me about skydiving. I always thought it would be so great to skydive with him and kind of felt like I was going behind his back by checking into it, but this weekend we had a really great talk about it and we're really looking forward to this spring. And I'm so looking forward to finally having a profile
  3. Hey chaosreins, It's almost a ditto on the kids, 22, 21, 18, and 14. I know they'll just think it's another one of mom's crazy ideas. I've never been one not to try and embarass them by my 'childish' behavior. All kidding aside, I'm hoping they'll all be there for my first jump. I keep flipping back and forth b/c I know I'll never get another first jump, but tandem does seem to be winning out. It sounds like everyone has a great experience with it, and that's what I'm after. Will I jump or hug the plane???? There's a hilarious video of a woman screaming I fuckin' hate you as her instructor approaches the door. This is such a great sport and I'm looking forward to diving in..
  4. Hey El Gato Thanks for the input. I know skydiving is the thing for me that's why I figured on the static at first and it was great to get your input. It's so cool to watch the more experienced jumpers and the crazy things they do at SkydivingMovies. I know that's where I want to be and the tandem seemed to hold it back a little longer. I'm not too far from a DZ that offers a virtual experience so I might just get that for my Christmas gift to myself. One things for sure skyjump11, I'M NOT WAITING TIL I'M 85!! and it is a funny thing 'cause I started driving a little more carefully so I don't miss out. Spdu4ia, I know where you're coming from on the experience and info. Different DZs seem to offer a range of info on the static and tandem jumps. And I really do admire your choice, but I am just so excited about my first jump and I don't want to end up on the incidence forum as "we don't know why she didn't pull". I'm still a little torn between the static and tandem. I'm so glad I got the response I have. One (misquoted) quote that sticks in my mind, it may have been a moderator, but they said the inexperienced jumpers are jumping while the experienced jumpers are on the ground waiting for the winds to die down. That was badly misquoted but the same essence. I know there's a lot to learn. I will check with them on the beer too! Thanks everybody!!! I look forward to learning more. Lince
  5. Oh yeah, you are right there with me, but it sounds like you'll get to jump first. Another site I found to be alot of fun is I hope I can push that site. There are some amazing videos, the one heart stopper is the chute that gets deployed under a freeing camera guy. It all went good so it's a lot of fun to watch. There's also some crazy ones out there, the wingsuits are wild, I also found a memorial site for base jumpers. I'm hoping to learn from the mistakes of others. There's a lot of info out there and some really fun people.
  6. I don't who to reply was so cool to get the input from everybody. The one benefit of tandem that I forgot about is you start so much higher and as RB mentioned I could get a chance to pull. The sensory overload was another concideration I had too. What a trip it's going to be, I think I'll just enjoy the ride the first time and go tandem. Thanks for the info from Spdu4ia, you got alot guts, but I think the first time I hurl myself at the big dirt ball I want to have tad bit more confidence. Thanks everybody!!
  7. Hey everybody, I've been easedropping on you all for a little while, I have yet to take my first jump and since I live in NE Ohio it will still be some time before I get to. I've wanted to skydive since high school but redundancy, responsibility and a no-fun, now ex-husband