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Everything posted by meatbomb69

  1. Im just starting out in the sport and after about 3 months have about 160 jumps and am looking to follow on into my other passion besides skydiving which is photography and film!!!..I have just finished a course started up in NZ and now have 3 months of working in the industry (flash way of saying packing) to look foward to ...... I have an Eos 3000 stills camera and was wanting to mount it onto my Gath helmet which is quite lightweight, This is untill I can afford a Video Camera and a more substantial helmet!..Does anybody out there think this is a bad thing to do? And if so why! I have already been filming other students and friend and love it!!!!How easy is it to gain work overseas if you are a good Cameraman?? These probably seem like silly questions but it would be good to get some advice before i do anything. Thanks "blue skies"