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Posts posted by outski

  1. hi,

    i hope i don't double subject but the only similar i found is http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3215902;search_string=shaking%20video;#3215902

    does anyone got the issue with shaking video at hight speed [270km/h +]?
    everything is fine on the particular jump before gaining the speed
    there's the same issue with 2 same helments and cameras

    tonfly cc1 [very tight]
    side monuted tonfly box [hd jump, box setup in angle]
    camera sony cx-105
    lens "home-made" out of the box, the size is the same as royal lens

    i've emailed tonfly if someone reported it but got no response

    thanks for any input

  2. not arch with whole your body [like keep legs/amrs up with theirs muscles - talking about in the air] but only press lower part of spine down till the pain of muscles in that part
    practise maybe on the chair/bench not floor

    for wide legs - maybe, similar what Bill wrote, thinking of keeping them together will result in keeping them close

    but i'm not AFF instructor and don't know what for student works best; better talk any tip from here over with your instructor before you'll decide to use in the air both now and in x00 jumps

  3. ask for good coach who would vidoe your jump and discuss later.

    i was on one-day track camp and later spend weekend on 11 1on1 coached jumps. the progress was really visible.
    learning on your own can lead you to repeat mistakes and not to improve your tracking, but that's as everything else.

  4. that's what i think. probably "high-level" passangers"make pilot land couz they wanted to be on time for the ceremony - 70th anniversary of massacre in Katyn. We lost there The Intellectuals of 2nd Republic of Poland, now of 3rd.

    Before the plane crashed different one was not allowed to land, but they could only advise polish plane not to land. Just heard in news that one of black boxs (both are found) confirmed it was advised not to land. Hope there will be found a bit of conversation when decision to land was taken.

    According to the plane - it was renovated lastly. There were some issues sometime ago about buying new planes for goverment but generally society was not for that, claiming it's lost of money and Poland can't afford it.
    The jurnalists who usually goes in the same plane, needed to go by Jak-40 due to numer of "high-level" passangers".
    Poland got one more Tu-154 (in renovation), 4 Jak-40 and 3 M-28 Bryza.

  5. i didn't saw it as i left it far away from home and don't know that rigger personally

    as we spoke he told me it's second vigil II from 2007 he found with fault cutter; don't know if that second one was from dec.
    i don't have fault cutter as it needed to be sent to get one working properly
    i only know that one part of cutter was convex

  6. i got vigil II from 2007 week 51 (that's dec as i counted :D)
    /can't see its # on the given list/

    thanks to reserve ride in sep, rigger that agreed to pack it for next week, noticed that cutter needed to be changed
    ..as he said, if needed, vigil might have not worked properly..

    so as RIGGER said, better not to wait for next repack

  7. when i had about 30 jumps i decided to try basejumping
    i also decided then that i will do this when i'll fill confident in air as freeflier, and that i'll learn freefly when i will be able to do something more on belly - not just have quite safe possition to open parachute..

    following my plan ;) now i got 100+ jumps and about 4h rw in tunnel and maybe learning-freeflying jumps i'll do as fun jumps and break from rw jumps (damn.. rw4 rocks)