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Posts posted by BelskyBlueEyes

  1. I went on Carnival 3 years ago and put vodka in water bottles, and carried it right through in my backpack. You are allowed to bring on a 6 pack of water. If you put liquor in your carry on, buy the plastic bottle, or transfer to a plastic bottle, and place in plastic ziploc bag in case it leaks. You can even carry your 'water bottle' to the pool and use the juice at the food area, which is free. It is true, if you buy liqour on board, you will not be able to pick it up until last day, so dont count on drinking it. It is cheap though.

  2. Pretty much I feel what is in your heart will never change. People with cold hearts will probably always hang on to that in one way or another.

    I suppose some people may change when something very drastic happens, like they almost die, or lose someone very close to them. All I know is life is too short, learn to be the best person you can be all the time. Be gracious, life is precious.

  3. People that throw their lit cigarettes out the window when driving. Hey, I'm behind you! I always had this fear what if it got stuck somewhere and sparked a fire.

    People that drop their cigarettes on the ground. Come on now, is throwing it in the garbage hard to ask? I dont drop my trash all over the place.

    People that use their cell phone while at dinner, or in a movie theater, or can't stop texting all night long.

  4. Thanks J for stating what I have been thinking all along. Why all the finger pointing in the first place? These are our friends, our family! Doesn't anyone have any respect- the man is in the hospital in and out of consciousness and all people can think to do is drag his and her name through the mud, and no one even knows the factual story. People that dont even know the people involved have added their two sense, please dont feed the negative energy!! How about let's hope Woody is ok and has no permanent damage? If there was some sort of cheating going on, frankly, that is none of our damn business! I am disappointed it was even brought up at all in the first place since this is a public domain. I hope Jill is ok too, as I'm sure this is taking a toll on her too. Please, stop the drama. I can't stand it.

    Woody, I hope you are ok. We had a great AFF4 jump and I was so gracious you took a video even when I did not ask. Blessing for guardian angels to take care of you.

  5. I am disappointed. Violence does not solve anything in this situation. What does it prove? What does it change? All this over jealousy? Thank God he did not have a knife or gun.

    Schoolyard fights are not the way to solve problems when you are a grown adult. I'm not impressed.

    Was it worth the humiliation and probable jail time?

  6. Best part of the Explorer is I could sleep in it when at the DZ!! No one would bother me, and even if they wanted to, I was locked in. You know how people sometimes think it is funny to mess with the people sleeping in a bunkroom.... ;):P

    Plus, I didn't have to deal with anyone that snored! :D

  7. I was traveling at 65-70 mph and saw a Hummer to my right coming into my lane. Was natural reaction to turn the wheel left to avoid a collision. I guess I turned it too abruptly. Next thing I am fishtailing, then I know I am going over. I remember it all distinctly and it is a surreal experience.

    Wear your seatbelt. ALWAYS! It saved my life. I am positive about this. The hat that was on my head was found in the middle of the highway- that could have been me had I not wore my seatbelt.

    I probably would miss having an SUV if I got a car, so I am still pondering what I want to do.

  8. So, last Sunday rolled my Explorer on the interstate and wrecked it. I assume it will be totaled. At least I came out with no injury except a scratch on my ear.

    I am in the market for a new car. Well, not a "new" one, I will buy a used one. Anything from 1-5 years old lets say. Since I was not in the market for a car at all, I have no idea where to even start. Probably will get another SUV, but maybe not. Any SUV is prone to rollover.

    Anyone have any advice? Cars to consider? Ones to avoid? I hate that I have to go through this and I have 30 days rental car through my insurance so I have to find one pretty quickly.

  9. All this texting and non-communication face to face- people start to lack social skills and graces. B|How fun it is to be having dinner or whatever and expecting some nice conversation and there is someone furiously texting away. Lovely to have to sit back and be a ghost. If you wouldnt take a phone call while out with a friend, then why is it suddenly ok to text everyone all night long and ignore the person who made the time to be with you? Can be very rude sometimes. Maybe I'm just old school. It has its place, don't get me wrong. But if you text me and I am driving for instance, and I dont text back, dont get on my case that I called you and didnt text! Duh, I am DRIVING! I know you are there, you just texted me!!! :P Or even better, waited until I was not driving until I called so I was not distracted. I cant believe how often I see people texting while driving now, that is very scary stuff!

    One other note- I bet if your employers knew you texting they would be very upset. Why do you think they dont like if you talk on the phone? It's noisy? Heck no. If you are at work technically you should be working and not talking to your friends. The only reason they are not upset is they dont even know you are wasting time texting because they cant hear you. Do people really think employers are "OK" if you text?:S

    Anyhoo, just my opinion. I am not a big fan of text, IM or chat room stuffs. Just talk to me. That I like. Be able to have an intelligent conversation. Hmm, maybe THAT is the problem. Some dont have that ability. :D:D

  10. The only reason you would have to lie to a doctor is if your insurance policy specifically states skydiving is not covered. Otherwise, it is simply an accident if you get hurt, and you are covered. I told my doctor what happened and ironically her husband was airborne military and she told me how he loved skydiving! Anyway, my xrays and doc visit was covered, no problem at all.

  11. It probably is drugs, probably cocaine. What is all the fuss about what to do with it? Even if you found out it was drugs, whether meth or cocaine, what would it matter? Do you plan on giving it to someone? Not sure they would want it considering you have no idea where it came from, or what might be mixed in it. Judgements aside, if you are not going to use it, and dont want anyone else to have it, just flush it. All worries gone. You definitely dont want to be caught with that on you/in your house/in your car.

    I wonder if someone after reading this post had a fit when learning where their stash ended up! :D:D:D:D

  12. 2 AFF's

    Finally passed level 4 after the third time. But no problem on 5. Next week plan to do 6 and 7, then I will owe beer! Sure didn't expect the road to take the turn it did in the beginning, but I am still moving on, maybe slowly for some people. But oh well, I am doing what works for me, and that's all that matters.

  13. You have regrets about rushing into marriage, then rushing into divorce. Now you are rushing into dating. See a pattern? Think first. Take a little time. Maybe there are some issues you need to deal with? It is ok to be alone. Are you the type of person that must have someone there, no matter what the cost?

    This was a bit of a surprise to me. Your husband just came back and is thrown into this, and I dont know if he knows you are posting this here on the internet. Maybe there is good reason he wants to rush to divorce though. I know I would be pretty upset if I found out my partner was broadcasting personal issues on the internet. How would you have felt if he was casually posting stuff somewhere about you for the whole world to see?