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  1. Hey Steve! I just wanted to let you know that you are an awesome person! I've met you once, and you've made a lasting impression on me. I made my 1st jump with you and Dave on the day of the accident. It was the greatest feeling I have ever felt! Amazingly my video, that you shot, showed up in my mailbox (something I did not expect). It is fabulous, you did such a great job capturing one of the very best moments of my life. I'm sorry for the loss of your comrades and everyone's loved ones, but I'm also thankful and happy that you are still here. Thank you Steve for making an impact on my life! ~Nicole PS. I don't know if you like dogs, but I have 2 certified TOUCH therapy dogs that visit the hospitals in this area. If you'd ever feel up to a visit from a furry friend I can hook you up!