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Posts posted by gump1119

  1. Quote

    I'm over on the East coast, Palm City, and am gonna head over to Z-hills in the next couple days. If I head out there tomorrow or Wednesday, will I be kept busy? I don't wanna drive 3 hours out there and be sitting around :-/ Also, is there a beach nearby or anything else sweet to do when I'm not jumping? Went to Sebestian today for a couple quick jumps. Florida is warm! And openings are soft! Colorado sucks compared to here...

    Also, how many people are camping out at Z-Hills? I don't wanna be the only guy in a tent in the middle of a huge field...

    Looking forward to coming out. I have a bright orange rig, say hi so I can make friends.

    Any responses^?

  2. I'm over on the East coast, Palm City, and am gonna head over to Z-hills in the next couple days. If I head out there tomorrow or Wednesday, will I be kept busy? I don't wanna drive 3 hours out there and be sitting around :-/ Also, is there a beach nearby or anything else sweet to do when I'm not jumping? Went to Sebestian today for a couple quick jumps. Florida is warm! And openings are soft! Colorado sucks compared to here...

    Also, how many people are camping out at Z-Hills? I don't wanna be the only guy in a tent in the middle of a huge field...

    Looking forward to coming out. I have a bright orange rig, say hi so I can make friends.

  3. Haha, thanks for your help Omar and sorry for your trouble.

    Now there's no doubt that I would love to do some big flocks, but seeing as that my first jump in Florida will be my 51st, and I can't fly a wingsuit, I'd like to stick to smaller stuff for my safety. Granted I am confident, as are most guys my age, but I'm also smart enough to know that I suck...

    So I am going to call Sunshine tomorrow to reserve a Demo (can I use it all week?) I put 10 jumps on a Sp-150 here in Colorado, GL = 5,500msl, can't wait for the soft Floridian openings! Also, would they have any PF suit demo's or will I have to talk to PF once I get out there? Also, is it worth it for a lowbie like me to pay the registration fee? Raffles and prizes look sweet but I don't wanna register as a wingsuiter for obvious reasons.

    Just picked up a sweet tent for cheap. Looking forward to being a dz-bum for a few days!

  4. A few more questions from a sky-newb...

    I am coming to Florida for spring break and I wanna jump my ass off, preferably at Z-hills since it seems like a sick dz and there will be tons of people there that week. Is there somewhere I can crash for a couple nights? Should I bring a tent and sleeping bag? What's the deal with camping out? Parties? etc... (btw, I'm looking to stay for as cheap as possible... so I can blow all my money on jump tickets)

    Also, I sold my canopy a week or so ago with the intent to have a new one by now. Well, deals fell through and people stopped responding so I am canopy-less. I had PD send me a demo Spectre-150 for the past weekend (can't use it this coming). Would they let me demo another Spectre-150 or is there a rule against demo'ing the same thing repetedly, lol. Or will there be demo's I can pick up for the week while I'm there? Or, is there anyone that has a spare Sp-150 they wanna rent to me? Or sell to me? B|

    Thanks guys. See ya out there!

  5. *Update*

    Flew the oversized pantz this weekend. I wore them under my leg straps, hiked them up high and used my legstraps to hold them up, and rolled the bottoms a bit. There was still a good inch and a half of excess material flared at the bottom but they flew fine, no flapping or anything.

    Tons of fun. Don't have a digital altimeter so I didn't get to measure any freefall time. Definitely very powerful. Took a jump or two to get use to the wider arm position to compensate for the legs but I was definitely cruising. I have another pair coming in later this week that should fit me well and I am in the process of selling the oversized ones to my tracking buddy. Hopefully the new ones will fit well enough that I can wear them over my leg straps to feel the full effect.

    Also hoping I get good enough with these (and a jacket) to convince some wingsuiters to chase me down in Z-Hills in two weeks :)

  6. If I can't fly a wingsuit but still plan on going to jump... should I register? I will have some tracking pantz... might try to demo a jacket... anyone wanna do a small flock :)
    Also, I'm still a sky-newb, will the organizers be able to help me out? I don't wanna end up on any 200-ways... :ph34r:

  7. Yeah they are the BASE version. I was already talking to my friend who seems interested in them.

    I was originally going to buy a pair off the classifieds but the seller sent me the measurements and I thought they would be too small. After comparing those measurements with the Pantz I have now, I think they would be just about perfect.

    See the attached pic. Are these the freefly version? Gonna try to pick them up tonight if they are still for sale. That means regular old tracking jumps this weekend [:/] but I'll just be that much better for next weekend.

    Kind of an off topic question, but I am going to Florida in a few weeks for break and will be hitting up Z-Hills during the same time period as Z-Flock. I am not near being ready for a wingsuit but is there any chance anyone would want to do a small flock with me in Pantz, possibly a jacket if I demo one? Just thought that would be fun.

  8. Best pics I could get with my video camera (had to use the mirror too :-P)

    If I could find someone that could take about 4 inches of material off between the cargo pocket and the crouch then they will fit, otherwise they are huge. And the inlet at the bottom is definitely all over my ankle and floppy and collapsed. You can see in the last pic I lifted the top of them to stretch the bottom out to look like it should.

    Worst case, I'll sell them to my tall friend and get a new pair :-P, but I'd rather fix these and save myself some cash. I wanted to jump them this weekend but that doesnt look likely :-(.

    Any ideas? Anyone wanna sell me some small Pantz (30", 30")

  9. Figured this would be the best forum to post my Q in.

    Bought a pair of used Birdman Pantz that I thought would fit me well. They came in today and they are a bit long in the legs. Waist and everything is fine but I put them on as high as I can and theres quite a bit extra length. Just to give you an idea, if I velcro the bottom of the leg closed with my foot inside, I can extend my leg and point my toe and it just barely touches the bottom.

    Is this too long? It seems like there would be a lot of excess material flapping. I haven't jumped them yet, probably tomorrow or Saturday.

    What should I do about the material? I would have called Birdman but they have no US phone numbers that I know of. Should I just try rolling the velcro "colar" on the bottom 3 or 4 times to get rid of some excess (even 4 rolls leaves some excess), or should I see if a rigger or a tailor can hem them a little? Let me know. I know they should be a little baggy but this is definitely excessive. I'll take a pic later.

    Otherwise, these look like loads of fun!

  10. Don't mean to hijack the thread but I will be in the area that week just looking to do some fun jumps. I'll have around 50 jumps or so at that time. How packed is the place going to be? I'm just worried about it being crowded in the air. I'm confident in my [limited] abilities but I'm still a newb so what do I know? :P

    Also, how many planes are expected? Guessing quite a few if theres a 200-way and Z-Flock... Will there be a skyvan there? I've been dying to jump one since I saw them in some videos. Thanks!

  11. Is this better form? :P

    In the other pic I was turning back towards the other jumper and more concentrated on not over steering than about my leg position :S. Plus that was only jump #10 so simple math says that I'm like twice as good now than I was then, lol.

    So in a nutshell:
    Don't suck, after that happens then think about buying cool stuff. And try it before you buy it so you don't waste time or money on expensive plastic clothes. That's what I'm getting from this. Thanks for your time and help. If you are ever find yourself north of Denver, Colorado for a weekend, maybe I'll see you around the dropzone. Look for the bright orange rig B|.