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Posts posted by ryan188

  1. ok ok this is amazing, i just made this up in my head, and i want any of you to add anything on to it ..if u can...here it is..

    i cant wait to get under canopy
    and be free
    like a human being should be.....

    lol, if that sounds stupid than everr, its because im dunk, and i think it sounds good, but i hjavnt seen it yet sovber, so let me know!?>!?!?

  2. ok im just wondering if any one esle out there is like this some times, during this past summer when i was doing my tandems, i was as happy as a pig in Sh!t,but now all of a sudden, i seem to be very angry at the world and every one in it!!.lol, i dont know where its comming from, i dont know if its because i experienced/found skydiving, and love it, and cant do it for the winter. or if i just turned into a p!ssed off person all of a sudden, i cant figure it out!..i think its not being able to jump, cause thats all i can think about all day, but i find myself just watching people around where i work (hospital), and just look at how miserable/ignortant/fake they all are, and it pisses me off more than ever!, every one puts up a image about themselves there, but i could give 2 sh!ts about any of this when iwas doing my jumps!!!, any one ever experience any thing like im going through?!?!?,

    Thanks again for the input, and reading my nonsense, i just had to get that off my chest!!, haha

  3. Quote

    ... why cant i just be a normal 20 year old and hang with friends ...


    Remind your mom that many 20-year-olds hang out with drug dealers and pimps and petty criminals. take unregulated drugs, street race, brawl, riot (really just brawling on a larger scale), have unprotected sex and break into other people's houses to amuse them selves.

    Tell your mom that skydiving is the lesser of the evils.

    yea, well i got her a tandem gift card for x mas, so soon she will know what its all about!!!!

  4. i am also an only child, and when i made my first reservation for a tandem jump, my mother was not able to sleep for like a week be for i went, and of couse my grandmother (i live with my grandmother, and mother), sits and watches the news every damn day, and sees that skydive relative things are happening on the news , crashes, tandem accidents,etc.etc, so shes on my back now, saying im crazy, and why cant i just be a normal 20 year old and hang with friends, so it is very frustrating , i have done 3 tandems so far, and every one they get nervous about, and i will be starting AFF in the spring time, and even now my mom is worried about me doing that!

  5. Quote

    Does throwing up in your mouth and swollowing it count? Something like my 10th jump I was extremely nervous like always, but this time I didn't eat breakfast or lunch and all I had to drink was diet dr. pepper. My stomach was fine so I thought. Puking never even crossed my mind since I've never puked or been nauseated while flying, riding a roller coaster or any of my previous jumps. When the chute opened all the sudden my stomach went to my throat. I heaved for about 1000 ft. trying to stop it. I thought, there's no way I'm going to puke on myself and have to explain that to everybody. Didn't help though. I ended up holding my hand over my mouth and then swollowed it. I was in complete disbelief that I puked. It was horrible. Pretty much pure stomach acid. Now I make sure to eat before I go to the DZ when I know I'm going to jump.

    LMAO, that is a pretty funny story, hahaha

  6. so, would that be a bad time for me to start my AFF training, since every one will be a little rusty from the winter??, i planned on going to do the hole AFF program the first month the season starts back up again, so would that be a bad idea???

  7. Quote

    If any of you are around college age, when you male friend asks abou skydiving, just tell them that it's too dangerous and XTREEEME for them. That'll just make them want to do it more ;)

    LMAO, that is so true!!, i have told 4 out of the 15 i have tried to tlk into going, and the 4 i said that to, went, but will never do it again!!

  8. ok i have done 2 tandems already this summer, and i want to do either one more tandem or the first jump course...what would be better to do???, i am thinking one more tandem, so i can start fress next spring with the hole AFF, and do it all in 2 weeks to get my liscece, like a camp type thing, or should i just start the first jump AFF this weekend???

  9. Quote

    What can I say, THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! It felt like a dream, it didn't feel real. When I get my pictures developed, I'll post one up on here. I got the video and pictures done. Cost an extra $85, but it's worth every penny I'm sure. A kinda bad thing happened with my friend though. The main shute got tangled up and they went into a bad spiral and they had to cut it away. The reserve tried to do the same thing, but the instructor got it straightened out. Out of 2000+ jumps, that was the first time he had to use the reserve. It scared my friend pretty bad for a little bit he said. He's debating going again. I told him if he decides to go again, I'll be right there with him. I really want to do it again, but seeing his main falling to the ground got me a little scared too :o My olny trouble was I had a hard time breathing in freefall. I tried turning my head sideways to get a breath, but it was hard. The only way I could get a good breath was to touch my chin to my chest and breathe through my nose. I only looked straight ahead at the camera guy about twice. I kept trying to look straight down, probably why I couldn't breathe good. I was dreading the parachute ride, but that was best part for me. I got to steer the chute toward the dropzone. I got to do a spiral, but I didn't like that. Got my stomach a little queezy. The plane ride up was very cool. When we started going up, I was thinking " man we're real high". I thought we were probably half way up. Then the instructor asked me if I was doing ok. I said "yeah", then he told me we were only at 1000 feet. That kinda got me for a little bit :) All in all we both had a very memerable time!!!

    lol, dude thats some cool shit, i did my first tandem last month, and my frienda maine shoot got tangled, but they got it straitened away, i cant wait to go again either!!