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Dropzone Reviews posted by Allballs

  1. I spent 10 days in Deland and had a great time, i did coach jumps with Kim Worthington aswell as tunnel time with Kim and Yuki (Tsui?)...(oh boy those girls can really fly!!)
    We came from a smaall dz so it was a real treat to see such an operation.
    My only problem was the 2 hour waits once we were no longer doing coach jumps and manifesting for ourselves it seemed like we were always last in line to be put on a plane. I watched 1 team make 6 jumps before we even were on a 20 minute call!!
    Also there were no organisers for flat or freefly for us to jump with and i dont even think they have a freefly coach at Deland. I did manage to get some freefly coaching of Kim in the tunnel so i did leave happy but it would have been nice to jump with a coach to see my progression.
    i be back however i hope they fix that problem.