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Posts posted by Strynx

  1. It's still a chain dude. I love Burritos but they don't have anygood one around here[sad] Was it started by students?

  2. Freebirds: is that a Restaurent chain like Taco Bell? I mean better ;) I do have to say that Texas steaks are the best i've ever had. What do you guyz feed them with..... steroids j/k:)P.L.U.R.

  3. "Nobody else I know will eat it"
    Now you know one. I spice everything. Jerk is pretty good stuff. Here in CDN ppl always ask why i don't get colds i always tell them it's bcause of all the spicy food i eat...
    Chuck: It's the first time i meet someone who does'nt like any condiment; not even ketchup on a burger? as for what i dislike it's any greassy food give me nasty heartburns, eggnog gets me sick all the time, cottage cheese this is plain weird.

  4. LOL! Well they say eating fish twice a week helps keep you healthy, so i guess you're alright. Add beer to the match and you're all good.

  5. "blanche de chambly"
    I have to say that this one is pretty good also. Have you ever tried Raftsmen. Made ou of whisky malt. Pretty good i tell ya

  6. I was reading the Vegetarian post and it made me wonder. What's your favorite meal.
    For me it's Thai food. The spicy stuff is almost as addictive as skydiving.:)P.L.U.R.

  7. "im corupting her daughtter now!!!!!"
    Hehe! I'm doin tha same with my niece. Needless to say that my Sis just whnats to Kill me. Let's corrupt them as early as possible *evilgrin* BTW How old is your niece?

  8. Send my best wishes to them and tell them to hang on. There's a god willing to help them. Hope the guilty gets locked up in a real hard open prison (e.g. not locked up for 23/24 hours)so he can get a little bit of his medecine. DO NOT HURT A CHILD. F**&^K that kinda shit pisses me off.

  9. With all the commotion in the World Thread. I'm now up to 300 post. Virtual BEER to everybody.
    Cheers Folks.

  10. "command decision: back to the bag, sleep till formation! "
    I knew that there could be some good things comin out of this shipement. But Damn That must of been cold. How you holdin up there Aggie?

  11. "You guys need to keep your cold ass air and snow and what ever crap you stash away to send to us for yourselves...."
    Hey Slappie. Nothin personal economy is bad you know we still gotta send you *our good cdn products*. ;)