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Everything posted by Torild

  1. Torild


    I sell parachutes for a living, and as a dealer for most of the manufactureres, I jump most of the canopies that comes on to the market. I'm not calling myself an expert (like so many others do in this forum), but at least I have jumped most of the canopies out there. I did about 200 jumps on my Crossfire 129, 100 of them after the re-call. I do hook-turns on about 95% of my jumps. Not once did I have a problem with this canopy. For all the so called "experts" with their opinions out there, let us give Icarus some credit for making great parachutes. Let's have all the facts before making ourself judges. Next time it could be your favorite parachute maker that gets slammed!
  2. The Westwind is stationed in Arkansas during the summer. It is currently getting a new coat of paint. It will arrive at Skydive Naples for the opening boogie. Also, don't forget the "Turkey Mee(a)t Pot Luck Party" with Baton Pass and accuracy contest" on November 24th & 25th. One experienced and one novice jumper per team.
  3. Torild


    Now you can chat with all your friends, 24/7, about anything and everything skydiving related. Just go to Click on "start shopping or browse the store icon", and then click on the Para-Chat Banner. Enjoy and have fun!