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Gear Reviews posted by northern

  1. Beautiful, consistent openings. Powerful flare and light toggle pressure. Everything I love and want in a tandem main. Job well done aerodyne. I love this tandem canopy.

  2. I sent my vision down to Aerodyne in the start of January 2007 to have a reline done. Aerodyne have some issues with there canopies on opening line twists and diving canopies. They were aware of this and said they could fix it. This is a line set issue.
    I fly a camera and did not want to deal with this problem on top of all the other stuff I have to deal with.
    It took them 5 months, yes 5 months to do a line set and when I asked them to send the canopy this past Wednesday air mail so I could jump it this weekend.What do they do?

    these idiots send it ground and I will not see it for another 2 weeks.

    This will bring the total time to almost 5 months 2 weeks for a line set.

    like alot of other skydivers I do not have the luxury of a second rig or canopy so I have had to rent one from my DZ. extra money out of the pocket.

    I talked to them over the last couple of months asking for a status report and I got lies. I was told your canopy is done and we are sending it back to you or we are waiting for the lines or let me get back to you or.......That was 3 months ago.

    If you are planing on buying any aerodyne product...I strongly not reccomend it. not because there products are bad...I like them, but because of the customer service.

    I rate their customer service at an all time -10%.

    They have dropped the ball badly and I feel the people that dropped it are the people that run this company.

    I wonder if this was an isolated inncident or if this happens on a regular basis.

    I will never buy another Aerodyne product as long as I live and if anyone asks I will be the first to tell you about the incompetence I feel for this company and how they treat a fellow skydiver.