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Everything posted by tedsauntcindy

  1. Why start talking abut how to prevent deaths in the future at this point? It seemed to me that the purpose of this thread was to bash the deceased . . . edited to remove attacks
  2. If you follow the legislative record, you could read any proposed bill upon introduction. Happy checking.
  3. Trust me, Ted was no victim! He was very bright, very gifted and made his own decisions. I admired him. But I don't see why my legislative proposal scare you folks. According to a previous post, only a small percentage of DZ's experience serious accidents or fatalities. Shouldn't the irresponsible few be highlighted to the general publis?
  4. Then the legislaltion I propose would not really be much of an issue, would it? It would simply help the public identify that small percentage that might have recurring problems.
  5. I only visited this site for the anniversary of Ted's death. However, when I did, I saw that the personal attacks from DZ.comer's haven't mellowed in the past. Interestingly, I never see the same level of vitriol leveled at other skydivers whose mistakes have cost them (and in some cases, others) their lives. The pompoous I read claiming to be about education and self-policing merely got me to thinking. Self-policing does not seem to be working very well, Perhaps my time and skills can be devoted into seeing that some real education and policing can take place. I'll do my thing; you do yours.
  6. Yeah, I just might so "honor" Ted. Actually, I have honored Ted in many ways...including a scholarship fund...but you folks are bringing out the liberal in me.
  7. They are required in MY state. I guess my legislature is rather interventionist of personal liberties.
  8. Well, I guess we can leave it to the wisdom of our elected officials to make the determination of whether the specific information is accessible enough to newbies. I'll gather my facts; you gather yours.
  9. Personal agenda, you bet! But it is a personal agenda that was created today after reading the mean-spirited posts disguised supposedly as "education" in this thread. But whatever the motivation, perhaps the time to legislate skydiving has come. Many other sports (with far fewer risks) have faced legislatlive intervention. Motorcycle helmets, anyone?
  10. Personal agenda, you bet! But it is a personal agenda that was created today after reading the mean-spirited posts disguised supposedly as "education" in this thread. But whatever the motivation, perhaps the time to legislate skydiving has come. Many other sports (with far fewer risks) have faced legislatlive intervention. Motorcycle helmets, anyone?
  11. Hey, I'll tell that to Cliff Heller's family. Mistakes made do endanger the lives of others...skydivers and those on the ground as well. Didn't some skydiver land hard in someone's yard in New Jersey or thereabouts this year? I see "public interest" all over this issue.
  12. New skydivers going for their first jumps or early training don't get those magazines. The general public needs the information as they make that first decision to jump.
  13. By the way, if Ted was so dangerous in the air, why was he allowed to continue to jump at his DZ? And why did other very experienced jumpers continue to jump with him and mentor him? Ted was encouraged to advance at an aggressive pace in this sport and that also contributed to his death. Perhaps we need some legislation?
  14. I repeat...if I read any analysis of the accident, I could see the educational purpose. But saying "he fucked up" and "his reputation trashed itself does not present many learning opportunities. The bulk of this thread does not deal with self-policing..it is merely a reflection of grown men trash-talking like kids playing football.
  15. Billvon, and which message is it that discusses what happened to Ted? I agree that reference back to last year's thread might be helpful to others. But just saying he "fucked up"? Yes, that will help many to learn.
  16. I am suprised...the Blue Skies forum is said to serve other purposes. And I have yet to read anything the least bit educational in this thread. Instead, kkeenan simply says Ted "fucked up". Is that a skydiving term of art? Oh, and the post that says that Ted's reputation trashed itself? That doesn't constitute a personal attack under your forum rules? HMMMM very interesting. You aren't interested in learning at this post. You are just folks wanting to feel superior. How sad. Hope that you find only blue skies...and not black death.
  17. Ah yes, the "clear personal attack" defense! I'd say there is less personal attack in my message than Kevin's You folks love to judge others. I think this entire thread should be deleted and ask the moderator to do so.
  18. Bodypilot was right. You are getting a PM from an upset aunt of Mr. Nelson. All I can say to you is it is too bad that nobody would care to remenber the anniversary of your passing. Ted accomplished more in his 29 years than you will in a lifetime, Mr. Keenan.
  19. Thanks to all who participated in the ash dive for Ted at SGC on Sunday. It was a perfect day and a perfect send off for a terrific person.