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Posts posted by Kynan1

  1. Agreed. But nothing worse than someone always giving "pointers" to people, has all the answers, yet never applies it to their own flying.
    I've had jumps where someone would critique my exit, letting me know what I could have done better, then they went on to fly shitty the whole jump.:)
    This is more what I'm getting at.

    Or the guy who tells you, "You were pulling on that sit round." Meanwhile, he's leaning completely forward.
    Stuff like this.

    My usual response. "Oh really, thanks for helping me."
    I'm all about progression and open to any critique on flying, but from people who are realistic with their own flying first.

  2. :) Forum wars!!!
    I haven't said anything bad about the freefly hd video or others in the series, other than I wouldn't buy them. I know Jaoal somewhat and he obviously knows his stuff, with 10000 tunnel hours, etc. I was talking about a different type of dvd. I'm not trying to sell anything, but get some feedback.
    Do you have any?

  3. Agreed. I know basic videos are out there, one series. I never considered buying it, with 100 jumps under my belt. As most freefliers with over 500 jumps, certainly wouldn't purchase.
    Feel free to note anything else down everyone.

  4. If you were to buy a coaching video, aside from basic position HD, Sit, Back....
    What would be something you'd want to learn from that dvd?
    Ex: Exits, Importance of Levels, etc

  5. True to a degree Surfbum. The basics are somewhat know when it comes to body position in sitflying/HD.
    For veterans like yourself with 600 jumps though, wouldn't it be useful to have a video describing how to fly certain exits/docks/ways to work up to productive 3 ways, etc?
    For example, flying a totem or getting into one. There are many ways of doing it, but which is the most effective, what level of basic sitflying is really necessary to fly this point.
    Or take a few basic real freefly exits, how many people with 500 jumps even know how to fly a proper sit/sit exit? The next question is, how many care? haha

    I've viewed some of Niklas Daniel's videos and they are informative, without question, but there are many things I think that aren't covered in current material out today. I personally, don't have the answers or a wealth of knowledge, when it comes to this subject...again, I'd purchase a video that told me these thing...Mr. Bum:)

  6. Would people in this thread like a video that covered ALL HD, Sit, Transitions...and more so, very common questions in 2 and 3 way FF points, such as Double Spocks, Mixed Rounds, Totems.
    -Dive Flow

    People with @500 jumps who have basic knowledge, but want to get to that next level quicker.

    For $60, same price as just one of the other 4 videos in that Freefly series. A modern video by one of the top freefliers today and in HD.
    Sound good?

  7. The only one to blame, is the person who organized the jump to begin with. If you don't have many jumps, they should assume the level won't be up to par with someone with 1000 jumps. So, to come off as "you blew my jump", is foolish.
    Don't put together unrealistic jumps with newcomers. Even with many jumps, most people plan things that simply aren't happening. It's always a great plan on the ground, until you get in the air and realize...this shit is f*cking hard.

  8. Quote


    Okay - I'm saying this in all friendliness, so please don't take this the wrong way.

    Please contact the Manufacturer. Coming onto with a gripe is generally considered bad form. Now I know a few of those folks at Mirage - trust me, they would and will bend over for a customer. Talk to Ward, talk to CHuting Star, and figure out what you have and what to do. If not, sell your mirage and buy a Racer or something - but I promise you that they'll work with you and help you out.

    Stay safe man,

    You're absolutely right that Mirage would do everything possible to take care of any customer issues; that's not what we're talking about.

    And I'm not on here to gripe. I have asked for people's first hand experience and have offered FACTUAL EVIDENCE combined with the question: "is anyone having this problem?" That's not griping, man. That's opening a discussion for people to see if there is a problem that needs to be addressed.


  9. Quote


    Perris has their jump tickets at $27, blocks are $25 per jump. On a Saturday with great weather, the dropzone appears dead.
    Imagine when prices of gas reach $7gal. Any solutions...other than base jumping?:D
    Skydive less...doesnt' sound good.
    Make more money...then you'd have to work more, not cool.
    We're on par for $40 jump tickets by late next year.

    That's a comforting thought, but Perris has raised prices $5 within 6 months. You should teach them to fly more efficiently.:)
    An Otter flown efficiently burns about 25 gallons a load, or 1.25 gallons a person. Assuming a current Jet-A price of $5 a gallon in bulk, fuel would need to break $15 a gallon to cause $40 jump tickets.

    You're going to have bigger problems if that happens.

  10. I jumped the jet. Not very exciting. They should sell it and get a PAC750 or King Air. Money much better spent.
    However, the jet is just a gimmicky draw for Perris. It's about selling jump tickets. Is it really necessary to have a 100ways every other week? Just a big money generator. This is why you rarely see freefly being pushed as much.

  11. They should combine freeflying and freestyle swooping. Judge it in 2 parts. Have 2 camera fliers on every jump, a helicpoter camera, ground level water cam, and POV cameras.
    Advertisers could make money, just like Moutain Dew makes money placing their ads in different events, no different. Actual product sales for skydiving, wouldn't really increase, but you could make money on it, if done right.
    Also, most people have zero clue how difficult most maneuvers are they'd be seeing. And in part, even great freeflying can become like watching a ballet. Technically hard, not very exciting to watch. Personally, I'd rather watch BMX park than skydiving.

  12. Perris has their jump tickets at $27, blocks are $25 per jump. On a Saturday with great weather, the dropzone appears dead.
    Imagine when prices of gas reach $7gal. Any solutions...other than base jumping?:D
    Skydive less...doesnt' sound good.
    Make more money...then you'd have to work more, not cool.
    We're on par for $40 jump tickets by late next year. Frightening...

  13. haha, I somehow stumbled back on this thread, looking up my "what filter is best in the sun" thread.
    It's funny to hear myself talk then, as opposed to now. I still feel similar, but the saran wrap...bwhahaha, what a noob! Not like I don't much to learn in skydiving still, but man.;)
    I think it comes down to the individual. I will say, you have more air awareness at 200 jumps, then 50 jumps, but if you feel comfortable flying camera...that's all that matters in the end.
    The footage you get at 100 jumps is garbage, compared to 500 jumps, but at 1500 jumps, the footage I get now...will be crap, so it's all relative.

    *A buddy of mine has @80 jumps and is flying a camera. Flies ok for that number of jumps, but nobody is flying well enough to get all relative footage at that point. However, the footage you get then, you're psyched on. This sport is about fun, saftey, but who's to say what is/isn't right for each person. Some people have 500 jumps and I fear for my life if I'm under canopy with them.B|
    Saran Wrap Guy