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  • Home DZ
    Irish Parachute Club
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  1. Just thought as i started this discussion i might end it! PASSED all levels of AFF so on to my consols! Rob
  2. AFF level 2 and 3 out of the way! now down to one instructor!
  3. Did my first aff today! absolutely unreal feeling! great fun though! level 2 here i come
  4. Hey, another aff student here! Like a few of you, I started on the static line system but found it to slow especially with Irish weather. Have done the ground school for aff and hopefully will get a few jumps done this weekend! Good friendly crowd at the Irish Parachute Club!
  5. Thanks for the advice! It still has a year left in it so i should get it real cheap. Will be on the look out for a new one soon BlurBoy
  6. Thanks for the advice so far! I have some more information, the AAD most likely was turned on, on the ground, but it has never been on in the air. The container has only a reserve attachted so the rig was never jumped. Does the fact the AAD was never used, turned on or fired change the circumstances? The AAD was put in the container when the reserve was packed. Let me know, BlurBoy
  7. Hey there a rig which i am thinking of buying which includes an AAD (cypres). The AAD was bought in 1995 so under normal circumstances it would end its life in 2007 but its never been used. Does this mean the AAD has another 12 years in it or will its life end next year. I think as its never been used its grand but i would like to know more experienced views on this !! Thanks Blurboy!