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Everything posted by minicos

  1. up before the subject goes in the forum deepness
  2. Nice Thank you It's a guess, who knows ? you will know and tell
  3. I know that, I suppose that if you put two bezels together the result won't be bad. In this case, the .55 will be the worst and I assume some light/contrast can be lost too but... imagine if it's good or even fair ? 500 lines for the couple still gives a marvelous result for a real GA
  4. well done for the link ! So it might be possible, but i'm pretty sure the quality of lenses shown is better than the one I want to match (at least for the .55). The idea is to get one lens for general purpose and one for inside jumps by adding a complement without dealing too much with quality. If the quality matches a baby death .3 then it'll be a still compact solution for a price in pair with a Royal .2
  5. I've not both, that's why i'm asking. Some WA are made of large groups of lenses, that doesn't mean they are bad. resolution of .55x : 500 ? 600 lines ? resolution of .5x : 900 lines ? So what about both linked versus any flat wide angle that is about 250 lines of resolution ? I'm not even sure it will be worst than a .3 baby death...
  6. Hello, I've got a century .55x and the outside thread is 43mm so exactly the same the inside one of the new .5 HD Do you think (DSE ?) that it's relevant to link both together ? I think the resolution of those 2 WA will be better than any .2 flat on the market, but will it still focus ? Who as got both and can make the trial ?