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Posts posted by Aviatrr

  1. Quote

    were you there when we took over the bar in the "west Bestern"?:o:D

    Ummm....yea....I remember that night.....you kept showing your ass to a couple people in the bar.... :S I remember one of those people was some crazy cat lady.. :D


  2. Quote

    It's been a longtime goal of mine to get a Private Pilot's license. This morning I accomplished one of the major objectives on that path - the first solo. I flew a cessna 172 born in the same month of the same year in the same town I was.

    Any pilots out there have a good first solo story?

    Congrats dude! It's definitely a milestone! I still remember my first solo....every minute of it. It was in a 1946 Piper J3 Cub with a 65hp Continental and no electrical system. This was in 1995. From a 1200' grass runway. Oh, the good 'ole days.

    Now I just drive the damn bus from point A to point B with a bunch of whiny ass bastards in the back. :(

    I prefer flying helicopters over airplanes these days...airplane jobs generally just suck.


  3. Quote

    Hey , any one out any good at or used a web site that specialize's in or haas examples of letters of resinations? I mean good professional ones !!

    My last letter of resignation was straight and to the point. It was addressed to my boss, and said:

    I hate working for you. You suck. FUCK YOU! I quit.

    No shit. That company sucked...and the boss was even worse.


  4. For those of you that have no clue who I am.....move on to the next thread! :)
    Those of you that have a clue who I am....well....it's been a while. I've been out of the dz.com scene for quite a while.. I've been jumping now and then, but not on a real regular basis. Unfortunately, other things have occupied my time.

    I'm still living in Orlando....well, for the next couple weeks anyways. On Aug 25th I'm on my way to the Middle East(as a contractor, not military) for a couple years(or more). I have a 2 year contract, but if things work out in my favor, I'll be there 8-10 years, then be able to retire. I'll be spending about two thirds of my time there(the rest in the US, Thailand, or Austrailia)....but, luckily, I've heard of a couple DZ's in the area I'll be able to visit whenever I get the chance.

    Those of you that know me....please PM me your current email address. I'd like to keep in touch. My email has changed recently, and I don't want to post it publicly. Once I leave the US, I will be out of contact for a few months, but after that I expect to have regular email access.



  5. Quote

    Yesterday at the airport Derek works at a plane pancaked in and exploded with a huge fireball. He hauled ass out to the crash site and was the first on scene. He assumed the guy was dead until he saw him crawling out of the wreckage, immediately started heading into the fire to help pull the guy out.

    Nice job, dude. I'll be looking for the full story next time I fly into BJC and run into you there.


  6. Holy shit....I have been out of the sport for a while now due to an injury, and was recently trying to get in touch with Chris....when I found this post. I have read through all the replies, but I still can't believe it. Chris was the one that hooked me up with my first x-braced canopy, and helped me learn to fly it effectively. He volunteered his time, jumps, and even HIS CANOPY to help me. Chris and I made a few wingsuit jumps together, too...

    I'm sure this is quite a blast from the past for all of you, and I'm sorry if it brings up bad memories....but this is the first I knew of this. RIP Chris...BSBD, dude.


  7. Quote

    you should come to ZHills for stacy-palooza may 22 weekend.:ph34r:

    Stacy-Palooza, eh? Hmmmm.....I'm stuck working on the 22nd....but off on the 23rd....maybe I'll have to come over that weekend....and bring the "blender"... :D This time I'll have an RV to put it in! ;)

    What's going on that weekend? I may not get a chance to read the forums for several days...so PM it to me or I'll probably miss it..


  8. I have not been "allowed" to donate blood for many years due to some of my past and present travel locations....I even tried at the DZ about 6 months ago(ZHills had the Red Cross bus come out), but they told me the same thing. Supposedly I have to wait 6 to 18 months(depending on the country in question) before donating.


  9. Hey, I remember that guy from Mardi Gras....he said he was gonna be spending some time at Lake Wales, but I haven't seen him around.....was looking forward to somebody to freefly with during the week... I don't remember his name, though...:S In my defense, I was pretty drunk each night when I saw him around the campfire... :P


  10. A Pirate Looks at 40....it's the first song I ever saw him perform in person...and it's been the first song he's performed a couple of times since then that I've seen him perform. Occasionally he shows up at Orlando Citywalk and plays at Margaritaville unannounced....fortunately, I have a bit of insight as to when that could be... :D


  11. Quote

    Call me a dork... don't care!

    I could never call YOU a dork.......well, not to your face, anyways... :D

    I can't stand that show. I've seen it a couple times, and am just amazed that people can stomach watching it any more than that. Oh well, to each his(her) own! Then again, I spent the past few days in Canada.....so my opinions have been severely fucked up and it doesn't matter what I think... :ph34r:

    Nice avatar! What were ya dressed up for?

    And what's the new toy Clay mentions you buying for Chuck?


  12. Quote

    The suit should be entirely zipped up when exiting. I tried the same experiment. My left wing unfurled, inflated, and caused me to roll over... after I'd deployed.

    I don't really understand how that would happen. The wings should just be trailing behind you, as they would when you unzip them after deployment. Did you have your thumbs through the loops, but the wing unzipped?


    If the body is unzipped on exit, it really wouldn't do much harm. People have exited with one or both zippers halfway undone...

    Not an issue when you have your legs and arms zipped up...you can compensate for just about anything with that much wing..


    Not zipping up your wings and legs is not what I'd consider being ready for an emergency exit. It worked out well for you that one time. Think it'd go as well the next ten times? Without a leading edge, you have no control over your wings. Without control of your wings, it's up to the mood God is in to determine whether your wings will wreck you or not.

    I don't see the logic here. With the wings attached at one point(the body), they will just flap behind you(or, I guess I should say, 180 degrees from the relative wind). The leg wing could be an issue...but exiting with feet and knees together should eliminate that problem....wing is trapped between your legs.

    I do have the LQRS on mine, and I know that if I ever don't have time to unzip everything, it would take 2 seconds to pull all three cutaway handles on the suit.


    You aren't getting out under 1,000 feet, right?

    Depends on how bad the situation is. If I feel that staying in the airplane is not survivable, I'm taking my chances outside...but that's a different topic.


    Which would you rather leave with? Your leg straps off or your suit unzipped?

    Is this now an ultimatum? Does everybody HAVE to choose one? How about neither? I check my legstraps AND keep my suit zipped up. I check my legstraps differently than you do. I probably do a lot of things skydiving related different than you do. Does it make either better or worse? No. I have a procedure that I follow every jump - whether wearing a wingsuit or not - that ensures that both legstraps and chest strap are properly routed and secure. It has become engrained - just like practicing my cutaway procedures after donning the rig and as we near jumprun.

    Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm saying you're wrong, or that you don't know what you're doing....it simply means I disagree with you, and will not be following your specific procedure in this case.


    Edited to add: One of the reasons I don't zip everything up after boarding is that getting up from a sitting position if I must exit quickly isn't that easy with it all zipped up and sitting on the floor. If I need to move quickly, I want nothing restricting my movement.

  13. Ok, I know this subject has been covered....and I searched for and read about half of the threads I found on the subject...but most of them are fairly old.

    I'm looking for a 480 line color bullet cam. For those that have purchased them fairly recently, where did you buy it from? How much? Good experience with them? Breakaway cables?

    Also, I've seen lots of different lenses for them. Based on what I can tell, most people using them seem to feel that 2.3mm or so is pretty close to a .45 lens on a camcorder, right? I'm planning to use it primarily on my helmet, but also will be getting a wider lens to use it for some other things...such as on the foot for deployment sequence...which lens is recommended for that? I'm assuming I'll go with just the widest I can get for that.

