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Gear Reviews posted by TheCapt

  1. On a rained-out day at DeLand I stopped by Mirage Systems' shop. Bob Beck gave me a tour that was very impressive. You immediately get the impression that these rigs are handmade by people who are really good at what they do and love doing it. I was especially impressed by the number of inspections each component undergoes before it reaches final form. I thought my new (self-measured) rig was a little tight, so Bob had me don it. There was a consensus that the stabilizers could be lengthed just a little. Bob the production manager stopped what he was doing, performed the Necesssary surgery, and later that day I came back to a rig that felt even better. Plus, Ward Hessig repacked my reserve, and this was all on the house! Now I know why I see so many Mirage rigs at my DZ and on this website.