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Dropzone Reviews posted by TheCapt

  1. Fresh off AFF with a half dozen jumps away from my A license, I expected to be regarded as an embryo, but that was not how I was treated. I very briefly met the owner Bob Hallett, and for the next couple days he always greeted me by my name even though the place was full of (fellow) geezers trying to build a POPS/SOS state-record 100-way. I don't get out much, so I was amazed at how many people were there that I recognized from my "Skydiving Survival Series Video." Besides Bob, I met Mike McGuire and Rob Laidlaw, but I was too shy to introduce myself to Nancy LaRiviere. The first day I was rained out, but Rachael gave me a great tour of Performance Designs operations which is walking distance from the DZ. RIght around the corner, I got my new Mirage G-4 tweaked a little and got a great tour of my rig's birthplace thanks to Bob Beck and Ward Hessig. Thanks also to the good folks a block away at Alti-master who provided me with a few decals and patches. Day two was the most productive day I've ever had in this sport as I took Scott Miller's canopy course which I will now do every year. His credentials, knowledge and treaching abilities made me an exponentially better pilot. I had an excellent recurrency dive thanks to instructor Nikki Eliason. Finally, I spent a lot of time at the Perfect Spot where the food and drink (pancakes and beer)can change your whole life, and the ladies who take care of you are the best in the busines. Thank you Abbie, MaryAnne, Sarah, Sue and Veronica. I'll be back! Oh by the way, did I mention I got ten minutes of tunnel time up the road, which is a cool thing to do when the DZ is rained out.