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Gear Reviews posted by MotherGoose

  1. Onto my 9th canopy since student status and I think I've found my home. 1250 jumps flying a pilot 140 at 1.8WL. Fast and fun yet safe. Great landings, even a nice turf surf can be achieved (not competing in canopy piloting world championships any time soon). Great on demo jumps, decent on long spots and practically packs itself, even brand new ZP is easy peasy. Will be hard pressed to switch to another canopy.

  2. I have not really enjoyed my Stiletto since I bought it a year ago (250 jumps). The openings are so unpredictable and can go from completely perfect on heading one jump, to gnarly spin on your back off-heading line twists the next. I have almost 1000 jumps and this is my first full time elliptical. I have borrowed Kats, Xfires, Mamba's and even an FX so its not my only experience. The fact is, for camera flying and for big way flying, I'm looking for something that is way more predictable while still having fun flight characteristics. I will be going with the Katana at the same WL for my next canopy. My advice, skip the Stiletto and go straight for a Kat. That is of course my personal advice and everyone has varying opinions so try to make an informed decision and definitely take one of these canopies out for at least 10 rides before buying one.