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Everything posted by buggsyboo

  1. Hi... looking for a good digital alti for swooping...any suggestions? Also, how is the Vengeance for swooping? Any one swoop a vengeance? hows the recovery arc compared to a Xfire2 and a katana?
  2. I have a vengeance 107. And finally feel comfortable enough to start exploring swooping. I would like to start learning basic swoop drills. Not many people swoop at my DZ so I'm not sure where or how to start. We do not have a pond or anything.I don't have a swooping alti so any suggestions would be great. Thanks!!
  3. Hello, I was just wondering which type of altimeter is most accurate, and most used my expirenced swoopers?? Thanks
  4. so I understand what an airlock is and how it works now...after reading that article. My next question is what do they mean by a closed nose canopy? I haven't been able to find any articles on description, pros, and cons of closed nose. Also, what are the Air locked canopies on the market right now?
  5. I am looking to get a new canopy next summer...I have heard that airlock canopies are more stable than non but still very responsive. I really like the Icarus canopies...Currantly jumping a safire 2 129. I have put a few jumps on the Crossfire 2 129 (barrowed) the website says its closed nosed...but it doesnt specifically state "air lock" so whats the deal??? is closed nose just another wording? And if not what are the benifits of both?? Thanks
  6. i dont know if I fit the "really small" category but im athletic and weigh in at about 140. So, I dont really think that a down size from a 150 to a 135 (providing the canopies are of similar performance ) is such a drastic downsize. especially when I have the go ahead form the old experienced guys at the dropzone, But thanks for your concern
  7. I said next summer I plan on downsizing, not now. By then I will be ready for something a little more challenging. I have pretty much honed my skills on the safire2 149. And I am at about 95 jumps on it now. that particular canopy was my Husbands first, he passed it on to me after I got my second rig (which came with a stiletto that I was not quite ready for) Anyway he doesn't really like the worn out stiletto, and wants his safire 2 back. So, I need to arrange something for me to jump. I enjoy the safire2, I may get another one but smaller. I was just wondering what else is out there.
  8. Im not sure I see what you are saying? I said a 190 to a 175 to a 160 to a 150 what's so "strange" ?
  9. Id like to down size next summer but I am not sure what canopies would be best for me to to consider. Currently I have 180 jumps. About 50 or so on my currant canopy. (Icarus Safire 2 150 wing loaded about 1:1) Before that I was jumping a 9 cell PD 190, then a Triathlon 175, then a triathlon 160. I really like the "semi-elliptical" feel of the Safire 2. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other non-square canopies might be good for a mid-range jumper?