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Posts posted by edjackson

  1. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I have another question if it is allowed. Is there a place that has a large selection of used or stock containers that I can try on? I've had bad luck with new custom containers. I've noticed that sometimes when I try on a rig of one of the jumpers at the DZ it fits me well. I'm willing to fly anywhere in the US to try a few on. Thanks again. Ed

  2. Hello,

    I am looking for a container that is a little longer than what is currently on the market. Over the years, containers have gotten shorter which makes reaching for the hacky sack difficult due to shoulder issues. Are there any manufacturers that are willing to make a custom container that is longer like the ones made in the late 90s or early 2000s? I have purchased two new custom containers and still have not found what I am looking for. I have seen one manufacturer that has an extended container advertised but when I called they said it was made for small canopies. I jump a 170 main. Any suggestions are appreciated. I don't feel comfortable going back to using a leg strap mounted pilot chute so hopefully, I can find a manufacturer willing to assist.

    Thank you



  3. "I have fond memories of jumping at Chris' DZ and his piece of shit Twin Bo's. "

    I remember that piece of shit Twin Bo.....I survived the crash into the forest.

    Still loved Tullahoma and jumping with Chris..RIP

  4. Quote

    Thats kind of a funny statement " helped me during a plane crash " ....what does that mean ? did they hold your hand and tell you its gonna be alright ? Did they cinch up your seat belt ? B| What does a statement like that mean ?

    They were one of the first people on the scene. They helped people get out of the plane and get to the hospital. I had a head injury so my memory is a little foggy as to what exactly happended after impact, but I do know that they helped.

  5. I'd like to hear if Jimmy is still jumping too. He and his wife helped me during a plane crash in Tennessee. I didn't listen to country music and had no idea he was a star even though I jumped with him almost every weekend. He said he played music for a living, but I just thought it was a hobby. He's a very likeable modest guy.

  6. Quote

    So, I think this is a pretty obvious question that I have never seen ansewered.

    Why is there no skydiving specific, full faced helmet, that offers similar impact protection to that of something like the pro-tech.

    Pro-tech seems to be the common helmet that most people recommend when asked about the best impact protection.

    Maybe a manufacturer can explain this. Is there no demand for it? Would the cost be too high?

    It just dose not seem right that we dont have this option...

    Good point.
    Do the protech helmets have any impact testing or rating?
    I still jump one. It helped allot during a plane crash in Tennessee. When the plane crashed I was thrown backward and hit the occipital area of the head. I had a huge bruise even with the protech. The full face helmets are higher up and do not cover that area of the skull.

  7. She lost her life after her third base jump in 2001. Erin was a good soul but seemed naive regarding the dangers of skydiving and base. I wonder how many others have gotten caught up in the excitement of the two sports without really appreciating the dangers.

  8. I’ve had 10 years of “bonus time” since the crash and it’s been allot of fun. We were all lucky enough to get out alive. Is there anybody still around who was on the flight or remembers it? Chris Martin, Kent Stevens, and Bill McShane have all died since then. I remember allot of people helping out that day who were on the dropzone.

  9. Quote

    Skydive City is starting a Photo Album for Johnny on our Kodak website at:

    You can send any photos you have to [email protected] and we will post them up there for everyone to see.

    We plan to dump them all to CD as well for the family, so send us some pictures, thanks

    TK Hayes
    Skydive City

    I tried emailing a photo but it was returned. Is the email box full? I'll try again tonight.