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Posts posted by afraidofheights

  1. What can I say, THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! It felt like a dream, it didn't feel real. When I get my pictures developed, I'll post one up on here. I got the video and pictures done. Cost an extra $85, but it's worth every penny I'm sure. A kinda bad thing happened with my friend though. The main shute got tangled up and they went into a bad spiral and they had to cut it away. The reserve tried to do the same thing, but the instructor got it straightened out. Out of 2000+ jumps, that was the first time he had to use the reserve. It scared my friend pretty bad for a little bit he said. He's debating going again. I told him if he decides to go again, I'll be right there with him. I really want to do it again, but seeing his main falling to the ground got me a little scared too :o My olny trouble was I had a hard time breathing in freefall. I tried turning my head sideways to get a breath, but it was hard. The only way I could get a good breath was to touch my chin to my chest and breathe through my nose. I only looked straight ahead at the camera guy about twice. I kept trying to look straight down, probably why I couldn't breathe good. I was dreading the parachute ride, but that was best part for me. I got to steer the chute toward the dropzone. I got to do a spiral, but I didn't like that. Got my stomach a little queezy. The plane ride up was very cool. When we started going up, I was thinking " man we're real high". I thought we were probably half way up. Then the instructor asked me if I was doing ok. I said "yeah", then he told me we were only at 1000 feet. That kinda got me for a little bit :) All in all we both had a very memerable time!!!

  2. Last time I posted on here, me and a bunch of people from work were going to skydive. Then, when it got close, people starting backing out. Now, it's just 2 or 3 of us going, 2 for sure. We're going labor day weekend. Reason for posting is a concern I've been having and it's probably a first on here. Ok, I have what doctors tell me a sensative inner ear. I am prone to getting dizzy spells and feeling lightheadedness. My question is will I feel this during the flight up or perhaps during the freefall? I want to know what to expect. Does anyone know anybody that has this problem and skydived before? I've never been in a plane so I don't know if it will effect me going up. I have been around 3000 feet up before while riding 4-wheelers in the mountains with no problems except for my hearing becoming muffled, but no dizziness. Thanks for reading :)

  3. My friend read that they have had 2 fatalities this year due to equipment malfunctions this year alone. He decided to call them and cancel. He said there's a place in Knoxville called Skydive Smokey Mountains he's going to check out. What do y'all think about this place?

  4. Thanks for all the encouragment! I hope it goes as smooth for me as you all say :) Skymama, I'm not sure what you're asking, but here goes. My friend called this place and talked to them about doing a first jump. They sent him a little brochure in the mail. They told him it would cost $175 per person for tandem jump. They said usual price is $195. I believe their website says $150, but not sure. I think getting the video of it is extra too.

  5. Me and some friends from work are going skydiving next month in cedartown, georgia. It's on july 2nd at 12 noon. My main reason for going is to try and overcome my fear of heights. Also, I've never flown in a plane before either, so I'll be getting two for the price of one :)