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Everything posted by ljkenny

  1. Sounds good to me! I think I'm going to try: 1 layer of thin cotton inners 1 layer of latex gloves Then my Neumann (winter) gloves Cheers chaps :) Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  2. Thanks for all that guys! I tried those heat pads last year; they were great for my palms, but my fingers till felt like they were going to fall off. I've recently acquired a pair of cotton liners. So I'll be sure to try those when it gets a little chillier. What do the chaps do who jump in really cold places such as Russia etc? Any other suggestions welcome. =:-) Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  3. For any of you unlucky enough to jump in the extreme cold, what gloves do you wear to stop your hands from hurting? Obviously we need something ‘thin’ and ‘warm’. I have a pair of Neumann (winter) gloves but they do very little in my opinion. My hands are still in a lot of pain once down on the ground. I'm going to try some cotton liners, but I want to hear it from the masses (you lot). Any ideas? Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  4. My sentiments exactly Mr Ian Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  5. Mr Sparky, I gave the fella the answer he was looking for in a PM and we have discussed the situation further since.
  6. Ok good! Starting to paint a clearer picture now... L&B - Service, good Neptune - Batteries, bad L&B (VISO) - Cheap Neptune - More features Ok, so what about the pro-track by L&B? It's around the same price as the Neptune but how does it differ in functionality? The battery situation is turning me off the Neptune but I don't want to wait for the VISO! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  7. OK so, The Neptune is a better device (if the battery holds) but the VISO is the cheaper option! Is that correct? The L&B site is currently down too! That doesn't say a great deal for the company does it? Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  8. Hey guys, I have been on these boards for all of 2 days and there's one thing I keep hearing about over and over. People are raving about VISO by L&B but what is it? Why is it so much better than Neptune? I am now interested it purchasing one as I need a new alti, however, I would like to know why it is considered (by some) to be worth all the fuss it's causing. I'm also aware that the release date keeps changing. Does anyone have an update on that also? Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  9. Hi Frank, I have intentionally left all but my licence blank. I'm going to wait until I'm a little more experienced before I put my information up here. If I say something stupid, I don't have to live with it, I just change logon ID Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  10. Good points, well communicated! Well, the DZ's I jump at are mainly milatry owned. Hence the kit is generally well looked after and in good supply. It's good kit too, the alti's are altimaster III's for instance (I hope you can see my thoughts about why I don't need to invest in a new alti). I appretiate what you're saying about the jump suits, they are in good condition but they are a nasty colour and you actually look like a student. Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  11. Hey Scoop, Thanks for your input! I don't really have a great deal new to say but I thought it would be rude not to say anything at all. I have analysed the other possible mountings for the more traditional style altimeters. They are a good idea, however, they are readily available (for free) at my DZ. So there is little point investing in one. Hence, it is not really a choice to buy a normal alti or a watch. It is more a choice of the watch or a Neptune (or something similar) and they are more expensive. I think I have kinda formulated a plan now anyway! I do, however, need to run it past some of the instructors at my DZ before finalising anything. Cheers for taking time out though Scoop! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  12. Not as such! I always 'look at source' on peoples personal websites (as opposed to professional ones) and it's just good etiquette to let someone know of any possible security flaws. I would like someone to do the same for me too. I may, however, take you up on the beer! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  13. Oh please! If I was going to hack your site, do you think I would have told you, you have a flaw. I was being helpfull Why do some people on this site just want to cause trouble? Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  14. So where does that leave me? Is my current plan appropriate (legal)? Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  15. Ian, I have sent you a private message! I hope this helps with your problem. Also, next time you wish to post, can you make it constructive please Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  16. Mr FAST, Thanks you for your comments I have taken them all on board. Good observation by the way I really am still fishing for (good) answers. "Why?" I hear you yell! Because there are still valuable opinions to be had. Your's included! (Only, yours was communicated in a slightly different way. I'm sure there is an underlying psychiatric reason for that but I'm no shrink ) I am trying to build up a complete 'opinion database' if you like. I have found out both from this board and others, lots of valuable information that I can use when I make my final analysis in a few days time. I'm not just waiting for answers I like. I have heard many different opinions, some I like the sound of, some I don’t. I will be taking them all (including yours) into account when crunch time comes. Safety is my primary concern, not how you or anyone else puts their opinion over. Just for your information, my current view is as follows; I will continue to use a BIG, COLOURFULL, easy to read alti for a good few jumps. After some more experience I intend to get a alti watch and use it in unison with the analogue one. If I then feel comfortable with the watches performance, I will change the analogue alti with an audible. How's that sound for a plan so far? Once again guys, thank you for all of your information. I do appreciate you taking time out to help me out! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  17. Cool, thanks for that! That's the kind of information I was waiting for... Nice one, thanks! Do you jump with anyting else? Would you use the Suunto as a primary alti? What about on it's own? Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  18. I have been looking at alternatives. Although, I'm not sure if I really like any of the others. I really liked the polar (link in the first post) because it had a heart-rate monitor on it aswell and would have been perfect for my current situation. I don't think I'll get one at all now, as my club lends them out anyway. Thanks for the thought though! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  19. That didn't turn out quite as I planned! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  20. It's a fair point and I have thought about wearing both, however, I am trying to get around buying an alti altogether. The idea was to buy one of these goochy watches and use it for everything but my idea was shot down like a clay pigeon at a farming festival. I'll just have to wait for reasonable product to come out! *hint to any developers wanting a good idea* Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  21. A few people I have spoken to have said the same. It looks like I'm going to have to ditch the idea of the 'watch alti'. Shame really, it seemed like a really good idea at the time. If that is the verdict, I won't buy one at all. My club lends out analoge alti's anyway so there is little point inversting in one. Thanks for your help! Any further views are welcome though, as I will still be checking this forum. Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  22. Point taken about the mal! However, strangely enough, for the majority of my life I am 'off' the DZ, hence the reason for more practical equipment. If I can double or even triple up the uses for my equipment, all the better. If it was practical to use my flying suit as a DJ (dinner jacket, not a mobile music man) I would. The thing is, the idea of a normal, every-day watch, that I can use for skydiving and my various fitness training sounds like a great idea. As for the helmet, I was thinking about that! Do you have any suggestions for a special hemet that wouldn't mess up my hair? Or maybe a hair product that won't be forced out of my hair upon 4-5 applications of one helmet? (I'm kidding of course) Thanks for you contribution though (however pis*y it may have sounded) Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  23. Hi Guys, Thank you all for your input. I'll try to spead some more light on the subject for you all. Yes, I am a new jumper, I have only 20 jumps to my name (all of them free-fall though). I am looking to slowly build up my kit and equipment. The first thing (besides the goggles I have already brought) I thought I'd buy was an alti. I don't think the ring is "uncool" nor to I have "weak or broken fingers" I just don't like how it feels inbetween my fingers. I don't have a problem with my eyesight, infact I have 20/20 vision. Although, I accept what you guys had to say about the sunlight. As for the giration of my body due to a mal, I think I would be a little more concerned trying to sort it out (quickly) rather than looking at my alti. The reasons why I liked the idea of the 'watch' type alti because; 1, I can use it as a watch when I am not skydiving, therefore I can replace my watch with it 2, I can replace my heart-rate monitor with it 3, It's comfortable 4, It's generally cheaper 'and' more practical than any other alti out there 5, (just an added bonus, not to prioritse over "heath and saftey") They do look pretty good also. The main information I was after (from people in the know i.e. who have personal experince with them) is; are they safe and are they accuate? I really so appreiate all of your input though guys! Regards, Lee p.s. I have just read though my reply and some of it my come across as being a bit rude/forward. I don't mean it do be so please don't take offence, cheers guys! Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?
  24. Hi all, I am wishing to buy an altimeter. As I don't like the ring you have to place over your fingers on the more traditional type alti's, I am looking for something I find a little more comfortable. I have seen a few 'watch' type alti's and to be honest I quite fancy them, however, I don't know if they are accurate and can be trusted for free-fall. If anyone has any advice (based on fact please) regarding 'watch' type alti's please let me know. Here are some links to a couple I have been looking at, however, I am open to any recommendations and other brands. Polar AXN300 Outdoor Computer http://www.gaiamdirect.co.uk/content/product.aspx?productID=6654&rCat=74&osAdcampaign=google-newpolar&gclid=CI6Is82B0oUCFRp3EAodRSaR5g Suunto Vector http://www.adventureshop.co.uk/suunto/vector.htm Thanks for your help guys; I look forward to hearing what you have to say. Lee Too clowdy, too windy, not enough people to fill the aircraft, no pilot in today! Why, oh why bigman, won't you let me jump?