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Posts posted by TankBuster

  1. Its worth knowing the law to put these thugs in their place. Never consent to a search. Ask them what crime are they investigating. If they are on a fishing expedition, just ask them if you are free to go or are you being detained. They can only detain you if they have reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed. Keep the Iphone handy and record EVERYTHING. They will try to convince you that it's illegal to record them, but it's legal. There's no expectation of privacy for a public official performing duty in public. I have no respect for them whatsoever. Gangland thugs with no respect for you or the US Constitution.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  2. "Armas, para que?" (Guns, for what?)
    Fidel Castro

    “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”
    - Mao Tze Tung, Nov 6 1938

    “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”
    – Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers,

    “Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.”
    - James Madison, Federalist Paper #46

    “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”
    - Richard Henry Lee, Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress, Initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  3. Quote

    Pelosi has become "old news" as far as being the poster child du jour for the Democrat that Repubs love to hate. Just as Repubs over-used Clinton after he was out of office, or Dems over-used Bush II after he was out. Your team needs a fresh new target, or you'll just look tired, sad and kind of pitiful.

    For starters, help me pronounce "Reince Priebus". Is he a Suess character? A venereal disease? A hybrid car? An axe murderer? C'mon.

    She may be old and tired but she's still the democrat leader in the House. To call the shooting an accident is beyond her usual buffoonery. I don't hate her, she's always good for a laugh.

    Carefull with the use of the word target btw.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  4. Quote

    I thought Obama was great.

    Was it just me or did it seem that many in attendance thought they were at a prep rally? When The Arizona Governor spoke of the young girl who was killed, many cheered and whistled like they were announcing the starting lineup, They did this through out the whole event. I would think university students would know how to behave at a memorial.

    Wasnt just you. I was looking toward the back fro some frat boys and a keg.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  5. One of the few times I disagree with you. This from the guy who asks his constituents to "punish our enemies" and who promised open and civil discourse on cspan for the health care debate and then denied it? etc etc

    Nice words from his staff and speech writers, but from his mouth they mean nothing.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  6. Sounds more like they were exploiting the dem reaction to the the tragedy rather than the tragedy itself. In any case it's an appeal to a voluntary contrubution. The reaction of the progressives to something like this is to create social programs, grow fedzilla, tax, and chop away at rights. We can fix this. With enough tax dollars and subjugation, we can fix it! Then one day we wake up in the USSR. You might be on the Nutcase Determination Board, drawing a fat govt check but be careful. If you piss off somebody in the Politburo, you end up the next one to be committed.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  7. Interesting that this gets turned into a gun thread. Fact is, bad things happen every single day. You can't prevent it, you can't predict it. But the liberals take every opportunity to convince us we can - "if you will only give us a little more money, if we can only take a few more freedoms, if only.... "

    Same shit, different tragedy. But, like Rahm says, never let a crisis go to waste.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  8. Quote

    Now would you like to come up with a cogent argument why you believe many of those groups do not belong on that list? I mean they do wrap themselves in patriotic symbols and believe in Christian Identity, the flag and apple pie.

    You must have me confused with some other poster. In never made those claims or inferences. The list is irrelevant to my point. I just wondered what makes a hate group "right wing" vs "left wing," in your opinion. In other words, if I were to want to start a hate group, and get a good website, and pass out literature, and hold meetings with people of like mind, and I came to you and said - Hey Ms. Amazon, what kind of hate group are we? How would you determine that? What questions would you ask?
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  9. Quote

    Not overwhelmed at all...

    Then tell us. What is a right wing hate group, and why the need to differentiate it from, I suppose, a left wing hate group? You have an apparent disdain for conservatives and "right wingers," and you identifiy yourself with liberals and "left wing" thought, so I just wondered why you want to put labels on haters that parallel that line of thinking.
    Tis all.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  10. Quote






    Winsor , I wish I had your way with words...VERY well put!

    I just wonder where the threads come from.. and lo and behold.... lookie hereB|

    Surprise surprise interesting those thread showed up on THAT website.

    Deflect much?:S

    So what, MANY news sites pick up the same stories!

    Still waiitng for an honest answer about YOU think about the Black panthers are they terrorist or not, and if not, Why?

    I am STILL waiting for YOU.. to COMPREHEND post # 88

    Also still waiting for a definition of right wing hate group, and left wing hate group. Rub a dub dub ...

    I DO believe I posted this for everyone... a link to the Southern Poverty Law Center..

    Come on, you are a big boy... capable of reading on your own aren't you????:D:D:ph34r:

    Yes you did, but you never provided the definitions. And, of course, neither does the SPLC.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  11. Quote




    Winsor , I wish I had your way with words...VERY well put!

    I just wonder where the threads come from.. and lo and behold.... lookie hereB|

    Surprise surprise interesting those thread showed up on THAT website.

    Deflect much?:S

    So what, MANY news sites pick up the same stories!

    Still waiitng for an honest answer about YOU think about the Black panthers are they terrorist or not, and if not, Why?

    I am STILL waiting for YOU.. to COMPREHEND post # 88

    Also still waiting for a definition of right wing hate group, and left wing hate group. Rub a dub dub ...
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  12. Quote



    And where pray tell is all that righteous indignation for the 90% of the other hate groups. Across this country there is an OVERWHELMING majority of right wing hate groups compared to the few chapters of the Black panthers or Nation of Islam.

    Define right wing hate group and left wing hate group for us.

    That is what brain cells are for.. rub a few together and VOILA.
    Unless of course they have the same goals and creed as a certain Party that see EVERYONE as a liberal if you do not goose step the way they do:S:S

    I'm interested in your definition, not mine. So go ahead, rub a few together...
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  13. Quote

    And where pray tell is all that righteous indignation for the 90% of the other hate groups. Across this country there is an OVERWHELMING majority of right wing hate groups compared to the few chapters of the Black panthers or Nation of Islam.

    Define right wing hate group and left wing hate group for us.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  14. Quote


    Then if Bush lied
    Who else did

    A point you ignore daily

    It was Bush who gave the State of the Union Address with all the lies in it, and Bush who ordered the invasion.

    One of the things about being CinC and Prez is the place the buck stops.

    Someone needs to tell that to Oblamer
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  15. Quote

    On the one hand, it's pretty pitiful that in the most prosperous nation on the planet, people have to resort to desperate (if Darwinesque) means to try to get health care. On the other hand, isn't it great that she had the right tool for the job?


    Mich. woman shoots self to get medical attention

    NILES, Mich. —
    An out-of-work Michigan woman shot herself in the hope she'd receive medical treatment for a shoulder injury.

    Kathy Myers says she injured the shoulder a month ago while playing with her dogs.

    The 41-year-old Niles resident says she's been unable to see a specialist because she can't afford health insurance.

    So Myers shot herself on Thursday.

    She was released from the hospital a few hours later.

    Myers tells WSBT-TV in South Bend, Ind., she has "no suicide wish." She says her life isn't great "right now, but I want to live."

    Myers says she wouldn't do it again and now is searching for a specialist who will accept a payment plan she can afford.

    The prosecutor's office is going to decide whether Myers will face charges for firing a weapon within city limits.

    Definintely deserves a Darwin award honorable mention.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  16. Quote




    . . . Where DID those seven extra states come from?

    What exactly is Cinco de Quatro and why is he celebrating it?

    How DID he get long list of fallen heros in the audience that day!

    Go ahead - you'll bring up Bush and his quirky way of speaking - but he is NO LONGER PRESIDENT - GET OVER IT!

    We should have some fresh material soon too.

    Because i know some of you out there have some!:ph34r::ph34r:

    I wonder if Fox ever did this for Bush. :o Holy hell they would have needed an hour long segment for his first term alone! BUT, they probably didn't. So... back to the thread.

    yep...the ol "but Bush" arguement!

    That has lost it's legs..BUSH DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE, HE IS NOT PRESIDENT! why can't the obamabots get past that?

    Its because you Obamahaters keep yearning for the Good Ole Days when "W" and Saint Ron were running up the deficits and finding pretexts for declaring war on Grenada and Iraq. If the best you can offer is "W" or Sarah P, then clearly we're better off with O.

    Soooooo. How do Saint Ron's and W's deficits compare to Oblamer's?
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  17. Quote


    "Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed," Bush told a Grand Rapids audience Wednesday, of the self-professed 9/11 mastermind. "I'd do it again to save lives."


    Seems an odd thing to admit to, considering the gravity of the statement [:/]

    This is funny. That's what this is.

    The CIA has been waterboarding, and much worse, for years now. During the height of the cold war they did things that make waterboarding look like tiddly winks. It spans many administrations. None are lilly white. The Bush haters who just want to pin this to GW are a bunch of fucking morons.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  18. Quote




    Who's inept, again?

    Why do expect the government to fix the problems of this private company? Are you a socialist now?

    Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal sponsored the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act (H.R. 4761), which allowed for this offshore drilling which has now polluted his very own coastline and our Gulf. I personally don't think the politicians are responsible for what private corporations are doing, but if you want to blame a pol, blame this guy.

    You should read my post again and probably should have seen the interview. According to her, BP has been under the control of the Feds since this happened. Makes no difference who I think is responsible. She says they are.

    Responsible? You have no idea how desperate that stretch makes you look to pretty much everyone else. The Fed's don't know how to stop this leak - why should they? No-one else does. BP are the only guys there with the technology and equipment required to even try. So, unless you can show that the Fed's 'control' has extended any further than telling BP to "Plug that thing as soon as fucking possible!" I'd really love to know how you genuinely see the continuing leak as being their fault?

    You guys really need to learn to read/comprehend. I'm just telling you what Carol Browner said in the interview. That there was a think tank of 100 scientists and they were working with the WH to direct the efforts of BP. Her main point was that the WH was in control of the situation, which is bullshit. Just a politician being stupid, once again. I agree that BP needs to fix this.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

  19. Quote


    Who's inept, again?

    Why do expect the government to fix the problems of this private company? Are you a socialist now?

    Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal sponsored the Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act (H.R. 4761), which allowed for this offshore drilling which has now polluted his very own coastline and our Gulf. I personally don't think the politicians are responsible for what private corporations are doing, but if you want to blame a pol, blame this guy.

    You should read my post again and probably should have seen the interview. According to her, BP has been under the control of the Feds since this happened. Makes no difference who I think is responsible. She says they are.
    The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.