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Posts posted by redwings

  1. Quote


    Good-good pictures! You two make a great looking couple!!! Thank you, for your service.


    she must make me look a lot better than I really am.:P

    That goes without saying. :P
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  2. Quote


    Lemme guess, Jack played a part?

    Oh the uniform. :P

    That night? Ya... Jack was definately involved in that one... that was the only night though.:)

    Wow. Jack was a one-night wonder. Who knew.

    On a side note, would it kill you to change your avatar? It's giving me nightmares! :D:D:D
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  3. Quote

    i was at this OTHER dropzone yesterday, jumped out of two perfectly good pilatus porters which are completely different than my used PAC, held my first sit all the way down, even pretty stable, on a later one i even managed to match my fall rate..

    and then there was this elderly lady, 6'000+ jumps.. fucking amazing! at my dropzone there's only really young people, middle/late thirties are pretty much the oldest..

    but i was refused to have a beer from the krauts. then i was asked to join for dinner but lost everyone in traffic..

    in short, i wanted to talk skydive and didnt have a chance to end up doing so. hmm. >:(

    at least i could talk to this hot blonde about watersports.. :P:)

    Wait, perfectly good airplanes? :P

    Glad you enjoyed it.
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  4. No ice cubes for you! :P

    May you and your girlfriend enjoy the day as it shines. Happy birthday!;)

    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  5. Quote

    She had such beautiful brown eyes; brown like a cow ruminating on cud of cow-patty past.

    Uh oh. Cow alert. LisaH's gonna be here soon. :P
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  6. I'll cry as soon as I stop laughing. Really? This is what the education system produced?[:/]

    But dayem.... that's gonna bring some laughs at the newsroom. Thanks!

    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  7. Wow. Freaky. But no boobies.
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  8. Quote

    Smart ass...:P

    Hey gonzo, why are you posting pictures of yourself? :P
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  9. Quote


    Anyone else enjoy them?

    Now that's a dumb question if I've ever heard one.

    Ditto. The correct question is, where are the boobies photos? :P
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  10. Hell yeah! The fact there's a Bauer in the history of the canopy is enough to keep me on my toes. Heh.


    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  11. Any in particular?


    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  12. Huh, I never thought of it that way.

    I knew there are smart skydivers out there.:):D

    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  13. BooooOoOOoooo

    I work at 4. By the time I get out of work, it's almost closing time for the bars.
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  14. Quote


    Fuckin-A it is! Going jumping after work.B|B|B|. Then maybe umm........the drinking?....

    I am so envious:)

    Me too! I have yet to work today. BUT, mucho drinking tomorrow and maybe jumping Sunday. Huzzah!
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  15. Quote

    after 5 years of having pretty much NO weekends unless i called out, i was happy with just 2 day.. but 3 day weekends are so nice. heehee.


    Not anymore! It's my last day and they can go play with themselves from now on.
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  16. You two suck. What's a three-day weekend? Aren't they urban legend?:P

    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  17. :D Shermie, you make it sound like that's a bad thing.

    Besides, Jack and I have been together for nine years. He was my first love!:$
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  18. I can hear Jack calling me already. Life is good.B|
    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

  19. Samantha, hands down.:)

    Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

    I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.