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Posts posted by AEsco48

  1. Several years ago in Florida i started the AFF and did maybe 2 hr of training before the 1st jump ( I had read part of the SIM before hand, but I dont i told the instructor) and the jumped... Now i am reading about an 8hr FJC....

    Can some one please clarify...


  2. how much time (weeks/months) can i go with out doing my next AFF jump before th DZ makes me start back at AFF1...reason being i have to go out of the country and when i get back im going to be broke in the "money to burn on adrenalin account"

    my next jump is suppose to be AFF3...

    is it a USPA rule or a DZ rule? the case of a DZ rule i would have to call them (but they are closed at 9pm on a friday night)

  3. Im currently doing AFF, just passed my AFF2 jump and plan to do AFF3 this coming week end......but i have been think....i have wanted to do skydiving and kite boarding.....and now im thinking maybe i might have more fun kiteboarding then skydiving....

    i have a thread going in the general skydiving section....pass by and take a look at it...any and all advice/information/opinions are appreciated....

  4. There is no doubt about it...i love skydiving...if it was up to me i would spend a whole day and do level 1-7 in one day and wake up the next morning and do as many jumps as i can....

    i was just thinking that in kiteboarding I might have more fun due to being able to practice the sport for a whole day....

    Im definitely going to do aff3...where the instructors actually let go of me and i have to stabilize myself...the two jump masters said i should have no problem stabilizing myself....just need to make sure i reach with my left hand far enough in front of my head (on level 1 and 2, my hand was really close if not touching my helmet)

    we will see.....

    but i appreciate any and all info/advice/opinions...

  5. I completely understand that before you can have fun in skydiving you have to learn how to skydive and be safe about in point AFF....

    I have always wanted to skydive since i was young...did my 1st tandem 3 months aso...and it was a lot of fun...but to be honest not as fun as i expected it....did my AFF1 last week end, went fine, did AFF2 today also went fine...and i had fun...and i want to continue....but my question is after i get my A License what do you do that makes it that much funner?

    I have seen videos of formation flying and making all types of shapes/patters and it does not really appeal to me...i really like the idea of Wingsuit...but thats 200 jumps into the sport....

    the other sport i have been thinking of starting is KiteBoarding.....cheaper ($300 for lessons that leave you flying, say another $200 for more lessons, you can get your 1st novice board and kite for $1500 on ebay and then sell it a month latter for the same $1500)...*and you can do it all day basically*...

    other sports i do....snowboard 1 week a year ( i like carving, not terrain park), scuba diving, mountain and road biking, , indoor rock climbing, race car driver education/track events, wake boarding....

    talk to much better does it get?

  6. Quote


    But a student rig without a knife?

    IMO a student should never be given the option of a hook knife. While parachutes are not rocket science their design and function is outside their field of expertise and they should not be redesigning one in the air.:)
    Hell I know jumpers with several thousand jumps that should not be playing with anything sharp in freefall.:P in everything there are idiots....if there are skydivers with several thousand jumps who should not have a hook it possible there are students who have the capability of making informed decisions under life or death situations, maybe they have experience in doing so b\c of other sports they practice, their education or their it possible that this rare breed of "student" might actually be able to use a hook knife as a last resort to save his life?

    not that im saying im this rare breed....

  7. Im in Miami, im doing my AFF but plan to do Wingsuit when the time is right...ill definitely drive down to "watch"...marathon is only 30 min south of Skydive Miami...did not know where was a DZ in Marathon

  8. With all do respect, i took your advice as well as others.

    Your suggestion of performing mid air rigging i do not consider an issue being thats from my understanding the only time you would use a hook knife is if you had a line over on your reserve.

    Regarding the possibility of pulling the hook knife instead of your reserve or cut away sure its possible, and has been done.

    I do plan to talk to my instructor (its not like i would try to wear a 7" knife on my chest with out him noticing) and get his opinion and ultimately his instruction on the proper use of a hook knife as a last resort.