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Posts posted by SWATcop

  1. Quote

    They don't care if you're a genious are a jack ass as long as you stay out of trouble. July 19th 2008 can't wait!

    I had that attitude early during my first enlistment. :S I PCSed to a different unit and it was a world of difference. I actually reuped.:o Anyway thanks for your service.


    The army has this great (actually not so) new thing called ACUs. So he just might be getting "velcroed."

    LOL. I forgot about those. I went to Bragg in May for "All American Week" and I felt like a WWII soldier. I could not find one thing that was the same as when I was in (1987-94).

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  2. Outstanding! Do you have to run the gauntlet or let every NCO E-5 and above pound the pins into your neck? I still have the scars from my E-5 pinning party when I was in the 82nd.;)

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  3. It will be fun. Just stick with it and you will be in free fall in no time.

    Don't worry about 3000 Ft jumps. Most of my staticline jumps were from 800 ft AGL at night, from jet aircraft with all kinds of heavy stuff tied to me.:S

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  4. I haven't had any outs lately. All my off field landings were in Titusville in the mid 90's when they used to fly the Queen Air.

    Landed in the cemetary once, had to yell "heads up" to some people visiting the dead in my landing area.

    Half of us landed in the middle of a soccer game one time, while the game was going on.

    The last one I had was a King Air boogie, very late sunset load (it was dark). I landed right next to the drive through window at McDonald's. The lady picking up her food gave me a ride back to the DZ.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  5. Quote

    Color of the truck wont do it.

    Ask for a Jury Trial. They will try and tell you that you cant but it is your constitutional right. They will dismiss it every time. I have done it at least 8 times.

    There are no jury trials in Florida for speeding tickets. They are handled by a judge or more often a hearing officer.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  6. Quote


    Shitty weather came in on saturday... but my 2 jumps were fun!! Plus, I got to make 2 scuba dives this morning :o)

    Did they make anymore loads after the second weather hold around 2:30? It was looking bad so I left.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  7. Quote

    We have a couple of those here in Iraq. I wonder how great that armor is but at least it puts a turret gunner up high where he has a nice vantage point. I'm sure the armor is better than these hoopdy Suburbans.

    Its better than the Suburbans for sure. We were told it would stop up to 7.62 and thats all we really need it to do for our applications.

    Interesting to hear they are being used over there by contractors. We had two guys from our team that left recently to work in Iraq.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  8. Oh, I understand what you are saying. These vehicles are for Military or law enforcement use only. The Bearcat has thick steel armor. Its more like a tank than a Humv.

    I agree, I have seen some crazy things done with civilian Hummers and regular SUVs for that matter. Most people don't realize they handle a lot different than a car.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  9. Quote

    These have got to be the ugliest things I have ever seen.
    They should be outlawed on regular roads.
    They should be used for military or commercial off highway use only.
    They are a hazard to the other vehicles on the road.
    Most of the time the people driving them aren't properly trained or able to safely drive them.

    Nope. Everyone on the team that is assigned to drive this or any of our vehicles has to complete an on and off road certification course.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467

  10. Do you thing we are invisible while conducting self initaited activity in high crime areas?


    Scenarios for reducing robberies.
    1- Parking in front of frequently robbed convenience stores.

    That means they will rob the one down the street. (you can't be parked at all of them).


    2- Patrolling wealthy neighborhoods full of stuff to steal.

    We do that but again you can't be every where at once. Once they see the patrol car go by they know you won't be by for a while.


    3- Parking in front of bar and hitting on college girls.

    Shea, as if.

    Muff Brother #4041
    Team Dirty Sanchez #467