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  1. here is a message to riggers : since I have a doubt about what should be the correct lengths of the steering lines on a Decelerator 120, and without answer from Chute Shop, I ask any rigger who has a chance to pack one of the latest issue ( less than 2 years old), to please, report me the lengths in between the brakes setting loop and the toggle loop.thanks
  2. so far after testing a different method than the video tape made by some deutsch people( bench table but body inside the rig) by manually deployment, it shows nothing wrong on the reserve pilot chute's launch. rigs were made after august 2003... some packjobs were 3 months old and some other 12 months old.
  3. you understood wrong, both risers are detachable, they have 2 lanyard ,one from each riser, that are attached to the individual curved pins that secure the reserve container with a dual locking loop, both risers must be released for the system to function. simple except you have 2 reserve loop which do not make it so simple....
  4. I watched a reserve table tested on a Javelin Odyssey made after 2003. it looks obvious that the modification Sunpath made on the location of the top flap is an issue : when you manually open the reserve on a table ( not stand up), to simulate the perfect body position at the time you will open the reserve, the reserve pilot chute does not launch so much, disturbed because the top of the pilot chute pushes very high on the top flap reserve, which is not at the same location than before end of 2003 on Odyssey, it results by having the spring loosing power to push the flaps and then the same reserve top flap once is open has a tendancy ( like a memory) to come down in place where he was, by doing so he easily catch any coils of the spring reserve pilot chute , disturbing more the launch. At the end when you watch the reserve pilot chute launch after manually opening, the propulsion does not bring him very high, which should be catastrophic in case of reserve opening by the cutter, because then the energy the spring pilot chute will loose to spread the flaps will not be enough to insure a good launch and probably the reserve bridle will rely.. If you try to make the same test by pulling the reserve handle il a stand up position , then the reserve pilot chute comes down because the weight under gravitation effect. Does it make sense to anyone and does anyone else notice that too. only on Odyssey after end oif 2003