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Posts posted by diverup13k

  1. You are absolutley right there are mosques in other places. I personally don't care if they put a mosque in the white house or the pentagon. My only thing is for a peaceful religion they sure are stirring up alot of %#$&.

  2. If you look at history the Muslims build mosqes where they conquered there enimies. (I am agnostic so religion is a none issue for me) Just one example is the fact that they built there huge mosque right on top of Solomens Temple in Jerueselem. Just somthing to think about.

  3. Like everyone else congradulations.In my book youve proved the most important thing about being a skydiver."when all else fails you know that you can and will save your own life"quote by Mark Hewitt to a newbie in Hawaii way back in 1995 (me)

  4. I also chatted with a rep from a canopy manufacture who asked for ideas on a sponsored instructor program - and I commented that I would love training and training aids instead of discounts on personal equipment... Wouldn't it be cool if they had a canopy guru that would teach instructors to be better instructors?

    What did they say?were they interested in it.ome on give that was a great suggestion

  5. Good question.I am going to take a canopy course this summer(break from tandems)and since my regular job has me traveling alot I am fortunate enough I get to talk with alot of tandem instructors.I watch alot and ask alot of questions.although tunnel time sounds really good.do you know of any good books.Ive read intro to teaching(my copy is from like 1950)

    Dave D-27941 coach tandem I

  6. As tm and photographer,the only priority is safty.When I have a passenger the only thing I NEED to know is where you are.I'll be honest so far the scariest thing for me was coming face to face with my camra as we dropped thru the trapdoor.
    Thanks you guys gave me some great ideas for being on both sides of the drouge.[:)