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Everything posted by FLamas

  1. Hi, I'm using an Olypus c4040 with a 0.42 wide angle lens. I had to modify the camera in order to use a remote switch but it works fine.
  2. Hi, I finally jumped my OLYMPUS C4040 and it seems that it works. I've just made one jump and I only made ten shots (4 during the exit and the other 6 during the rest of the free fall). It wasn't because of the camera, I'm not used to the tongue switch. I never jumped with a camera before, so I got nothing to compare with, but the shooting speed seems good to me. About the shutter, what I made (actually it wasn't me) was connecting three wires from the camera shutter to the video out plug. Now the video out is disabled and I plug the remote in the vout plug. I'll let you know when I gain more experience but everybody in my drop zone was pleased with the results (including myself of course). Digital Skies, Fede
  3. I've just bougth a digital camera (OLYMPUS C4040) I didn't jump with it yet I have to build a remote shutter. But this camera seems to be fast enough ( 1.7 fps). I'll let you know when i'm ready
  4. I'm looking for a digital camera to take picture of my jumps (just for hobby) and the Nikon Coolpix 885 seems to be ok. It can take a picture every 0.8 secs, you can use it with a wide angle lens and also a fish eye, it has a remote and it's about 450 u$s. Is anybody using it ? Any other suggestions...