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Gear Reviews posted by SimonBones

  1. I wanted to get into flying video and bought a Sony PC-1000 when they were brand new to the market. I ordered a RAWA through Aerostore for it. Since the PC1000 was new Aerostore did not have it readily available or something but they worked with me to figure out what camera it was. I heard from Larry at Aerostore that my order was of the first two the RAWA company received for a PC1000. Apparently as a result the guys down at RAWA bought a PC1000 so that they could make molds for it. I got my helmet ALMOST exactly on time (a little late but what skydiving gear isn't?) It fit perfect and comfortable. It had 2 slots for audibles which is great for video while freeflying. The chin cup works great and is comfortable. I just recently added a Canon rebel XT to the top without too much problems. The helmet proved great for begining to fly video since everything was contained and molded round. Nothing poked out or stuck out to get snagged. I think it's a really safe choice to go with. Great price too!

  2. I put most of my jumps on an original sabre and got used to canopies that like to dive. I tried the Stilleto 135 but didn't really like how reluctant it was to really dive. So I was also looking into a Katana. I did some jumps on a Hurricane 135 and a 120 and decided it was the one for me. Some of these PD/Icarus/Precision canopies were over $2000 for a new canopy! My new custom Hurricane 120 cost me just over $1100. The zero porosity coating is different than other companies too. The Hurricane comes with a coating that is not slippery like other new zero P's. It was super easy to pack the first time I packed it. No slippage at all! I've since put 500 jumps on it and it is quite a ride. The toggle turns create quite a dive. You'll be able to see the horizon OVER your canopy when you spin it. It'll keep the speed up longer too. I'd say it has a medium to light amount of front riser pressure. You can really make it float too if you're out on a long spot. It offers you soo much control. The flare is really nice and powerful. You can flatten the canopy and pull out of a dive fast any time you want. My only con is that some canopies can be really forgiving with sloppy packing and body position. Not really this one. If you pack sloppy and don't keep nice body position for and through the open you can get whirly off headings and maybe a spanker (had 2 in 500 jumps on it). It's not too bad though. Just don't expect to be getting those promised nice on heading openings if you pack and pull like sh*t.
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  3. I fell in love with the skeleton design and ordered it almost 2 years ago. The customer service chick was very helpful and responded quickly to emails. The suit was very inexpensive compared to others out there. I never did get that tracking number I was promised but whatever. When the time was about done with when I was supposed to get it I sent an email asking about the suit. She told me there were a few delays and customs but it'll be there soon. It was about a month late (but what skydiving gear have you EVER ordered that got to you on time?) When I got it everything seemed to fit great. The cuffs were comfortable and effective. I have some hard times getting the cuff on my right hand on because I'm not so good with my left hand (you'll have to see the cuff to know what I'm talking about). After freeflying with it for about a year I'd come to the conclusion that it should've been a little tighter around the torso and thighs but I'll just order a less baggy suit next time. I haven't had ANY of these problems other people seem to have with material quality. I got about 800 jumps and an hour of tunnel time out of the suit before it was time for a new one, this time a bit tighter. It came maybe 3 weeks late (not bad) and it was a little snug in the crotch (I did ask for it to be tighter though). So far it's holding up great.