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Everything posted by jonnyhl

  1. Just thinking over something that happening at WFFC 2006. I paid for a Pitts Bi-Plane jump with an acrobatic display on the way up. During the acrobatics I was very aware of the g forces pushing me back into the seat (its a hard metal seat). After the jump and photo I discovered that my reserve pin had been bent, probably not enough to prevent me pulling my reserve but bent significantly none the less. It most certainly happened during the acrobatics when I was forced into the seat. I know this because Im a BPA member and I check, then I get my pin checked (amongst other things) before every jump. I was never warned or briefed on anything like this potentially happening. Perhaps it is the risk you take when doing a speciality jump? Perhaps I should have been made aware of the situation? It was a 2 month old wings container. I leave it for your discussion/information!