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Posts posted by douggie

  1. Well the cliff is 3000ft and the horizontal distance to the edge of the water is about a mile. Given the distance it takes to get flying you need about a 2:1 just to impact the shore. Now if your like me, you prefer to deploy and try again later. No big deal if you dont make it, just land in the water (I have plenty of experience and video) There are people flying well over the camp ground and deploying. I find that I would tend to look up towards the end of the flight to see if I would end up being dry or wet. This tends to hose your glide angle and flight.

  2. Its going to vary based upon the time and distance of freefall. You really get your track going on the last 5 sec. Its just like tracking over the road when you jump La Mouse in Switzerland.

  3. I was packed slider up for a terminal tower but we elevator was shut down. We were not in the mood to climb so we said "lets go hit up the crane" it was a stealthy opening indead. Zennie did it first ;)

  4. I am in Mcalester, Ok on a seismic job and it looks like we will have work around this area for at least the next year. I was just currious if there were any jumpers in the area...

  5. You havent changed a bit ;) Maybe this time I should put a wingsuit on. It seems as if you have a bit of trouble getting your forward speed up while I am in my track suit :P

  6. Wow, I wish it would get cold as shit here in Texas to where I cant do anything but design cool shit ;) Looks good!

  7. Ahhh I see. The last time I tried something like that it was with Chemical Dan in China. I first ate his PC then he attempted to remove my shoe with the nose of his canopy. All in all it made great video. Good times.

    Frank and Beans!

  8. I can imagine that 133 jumps in 24 hrs could easily bring on a serious case of Assburgers! Congrats on the big number, maybe we should pitch in and get some ointment...


  9. No you idiot, I mean bring it to Norway so I can enlighten them with the finer beers of the States ;)

    And for the record, Schlitz is not a cheap beer! Its and acquired taste, much like caviar....

  10. I think I will bring the some quality beer for my next visit, maybe Lonestar....yeah, now that quality ;) or even better, Schlitz Malt Liquor 40oz