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    Skydive San Marcos
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    BASE Jumping

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  1. Hi. I was just wondering if anyone knows of apartment complexes near Eloy, AZ (Casa Grande, Arizona City, etc..) where high-speed Internet (cable or DSL) is available? Since I work as a programmer, I can work from anywhere there is a decent connection to the Internet. And I wanna move closer to the drop zone. :) Since moving back to Phoenix from Austin, I have been procrastinating way too much due to the 85 mile drive. The only comfort I need (other than running water and electricity) is a better-than-modem connection to the Internet.. Any tips or information would be most appreciated. Thanks! :)
  2. I was hoping to hear from other's who free-fly Racer and Racer Elite rigs.. I was thinking of getting new velcro on mine from Jump Shack soon and doing some free-flying with my Racer Elite. From what Jump Shack told me there are quite a few people in DeLand that free-fly them, and I've also seen people at Spaceland and Skydive Dallas that also free-fly them.. I've attempted to "sit" with my Racer a handfull of times, and most have went ok. Except for once when I tumbled around a bit and my sides came open releasing my toggles (the reason I'm getting new velcro..), and when I deployed the main the toggles had twisted together in my burbble and it took me a couple of minutes to untwist them so I could steer.. That was the first time I thought I was gonna have to cut away, d'oh.. I had also thought that maybe I could have some small tuck tabs installed on either side to help with this after I get the new velcro, just in case. Has anyone had a modification like this done? I'd be interested to hear if anyone knows. I plan to, in the future, move up to a Javelin rig. But for now I'd like to get some more time out of the Racer before I blow even more ca$h on equipment. This past 13 months has amounted to quite a few bucks so far.. :) Thanks in advance for any constructive input! --TIM
  3. I bought my factory diver while on one of my trips back to Phoenix, I bought it in Eloy at the Square 2 shop. The wind and a dust storm prevented jumping that day. But since I got home to Austin I have jumped it a couple times from Skydive San Marcos, and it has made a huge difference with the enjoyment of my jumps. No more wind up my nostrils, and free-fall is much more quite so I can think better. I enjoy jumping 5x time more since buying the helmet. I just noticed after my 2nd jump with it that it even has a pocket near the left ear for an audible/Pro-Track.. Very cool. I had wanted a Z1, but opted for the Factory Diver after reading about the Z1 liners coming loose.. I am very happy I went for the Factory Diver and would suggest it to anyone! =)