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Posts posted by sartre

  1. I am very surprised you'd never heard of Grace Potter before Squeak. You usually know about artists that I've never heard of. Got quite a few songs on my ipod that I wouldn't have if you hadn't introduced me to them. ;)

  2. So I keep getting random phone calls and texts from a certain dizzy.commer..... all I can say is, get a fucking life, asshole. You're boring, and if you have nothing better to do than drunk dial or text someone who has outgrown dizzy, then you REALLY need to reevaulate your life choices. Don't make me air dirty laundry, OK?



    oooops, I forgot, we need to do lots of these....:)B|:P:P:D:D

  3. Emily was not someone I knew well, but someone I looked up to very much. When the fellow I was dating came up to the dz, he immediately noticed her, and referred to her as "skydiving barbie" always after. She was actually way to hot to be referred to as barbie, but he meant it in a good way. She definitely was someone to admire for how she took life by the balls and lived it.

  4. Based upon previous clothing choices, I'm at a loss as to how you could possibly find choices that further humiliate you!

    I am saying this in the most tongue-in-cheek tone possible!

  5. Quote

    I know you. People can't help but be nice to you. You have that karma about you.:)

    I've never met you in person, but I'm pretty sure the same could be said about you. I think you and your missus probably do quite a bit of paying it forward. B|

  6. Quote


    Guess us Denver people are a bit strange.....

    UMM you and Ryoder are there, so yup ya might be right:ph34r::ph34r:

    Nice to see you on here again Von:)

    Don't get used to it....not sure why the hell I'm here now, except maybe the need for drama in my life! ;) I'm Broke, Bored, and Brokenhearted. Dangerous combination!

  7. Yes, well, my daughter is about to turn 18 (days away!!!) and as much as I tried to shield/prepare/supervise her exposure, there were a few SHOCKING episodes. But all we can do is try, my friend. :)

  8. Quote

    I, too, am coming a bit late to this conversation, but I've only one thought.

    As amusing as the was, I tore that page out before my 12 year old daughter started flipping through the magazine as she does every month.

    Which means you were doing your job as a parent. B| Unfortunately, at her age, especially if she has a cell phone (and hopefully she doesn't) she's probably seen far worse. But at least you're not putting it in her hands.:)

  9. You're kidding?! Crap. And with my stupid windows vista, I just cannot figure out how to capture a screen shot.

    It was an ad for a free 1/2 gallon of milk, with an expiration date for today. LOVE craigslist!

    I've been about you?

  10. Oh please, have a sense of humor!! He's not screwing the blowup doll in the picture. And I've seen MUCH more tasteless and downright disgusting pics that the "general public" of has found completely amusing. Mixed messages, anyone? After all, isn't part of a successful marketing campaign defining your target audience? I'm thinking theyve done a pretty good job of just that if they're basing it upon the majority of the posting on dizzy. ;) Again, I have to refer back to those who have said it better than I. If you are in the market for a new rig, do some research. Don't base it upon a single page ad designed to peak your interest.

  11. Quote

    Would it make you feel better if they ran an ad just like that one next month only with a Guy??

    Picture Nasty Fat Hairy legs with Skid marked briefs round the ankles...

    Revise the caption to read"The only thing that makes them drop faster is Montezuma`s Revenge.":P:D:D

    And seriously.. You would base your decision on which rig to buy on a One time Humorous ad?? Really??:S

    I'm really late to join into this discussion, and I actually saw it first on the women's forum..but...I sort of agree with thanatos here. For fuck's sake everyone, I really think you should base your decision on what which rig to buy on the merits of the RIG, not the AD!!

    Just sayin......

    PS I'd be perfectly happy to see a Mirage ad featuring a really hot guy. And no more, or less, inclined to purchase one based upon that ad.

    Lighten up already!!

  12. Quote

    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    1999, Vol. 77, No. 6. 1121-1134
    Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments



    People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Across 4 studies, the authors found that participants scoring in the bottom quartile on tests of humor, grammar, and logic grossly overestimated their test performance and ability. Although their test scores put them in the 12th percentile, they estimated themselves to be in the 62nd. Several analyses linked this miscalibration to deficits in metacognitive skill, or the capacity to distinguish accuracy from error. Paradoxically, improving the skills of participants, and thus increasing their metacognitive competence, helped them recognize the limitations of their abilities

    I'm just excited by the chance to use the word "metacognitive".

  13. Quote


    What a wussy! I can't believe you went to the hospital for that! ;);) You should have just licked it off and put on a bandaid. :):)

    Pfft! Porpoishead told me to pour straight up ammonia on the wound and wrap it with duct tape, and keep on rolling. :S:D

    That boy ain't right. :|:P

    What do you mean? He would have saved you $30 and you'd probably have less scarring.