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Everything posted by aegis

  1. aegis

    iFly Singapore

    That's great news, I haven't been jumping since I moved back to Singapore from the States. Hope they can keep it affordable. :)
  2. Some funny shit about this crazy jap guy going out to solve japan's social problems, suing japan yahoo and just plain helping people out.
  3. There are 2 levels to a CatD dive, first you have to demonstrate ability to start and stop 90deg turns and 180deg turns if altitude permits. In the 2nd level one has to make 180 and 360 deg turns. Of course one also has to maintain altitude awareness and dump at the pre-assigned altitudes for the jumps. More info can be found in the 2006 skydiver information manual from USPA. Off topic, weather outlooks ain't promising this weekend...
  4. AFF has been quite a rollercoaster ride, when I was on my climbout for the first jump that day the moment I was out I told myself "shit, why am I doing this again?". Fell like a block of wood, couldn't relax and stop my slow spin on the turns. Was still pretty tense on the 2nd jump, this time I flipped on my back because I dropped a knee . Arched hard after the shock of seeing the sky, got myself belly to earth. AFFI was on my left and I could see him say RELAX and suddenly a lightbulb went off and everything clicked from there.
  5. Yep , I will check with them again when I head back. I was stable and altitude aware and didn't want to waste my $$$ by dumping that high. He told me he was behind me after we got back to the hanger, when I asked him why he wasn't with me for the initial part and told him I almost wanted to dump as I was still under the AFF's 1-3 mentality, he smiled and said "you're a skydiver now, why dump so high up?" That made my day.
  6. I was repeating my Cat D dive for the third time last saturday and for during each jump I had different instructors guiding me. For the first 2 jumps, both instructors had a harness hold on me and were just a few feet away during the freefall. For my third jump, I thought that the JM would be doing the harness hold as well but after riding the hill I was surprised to see no one around. I was stable and altitude aware at that time and did contemplate waving off and dumping as I was taught for AFF's 1-3. The JM appeared about 15 feet in front of me at about 8500 and I met the dive objectives from then on without any problems.
  7. The entry for my logbook says Jav./Lazer, so I presume Lazer is the canopy? I initially assume it would be something like main/reserve. There's so many things to remember in AFF that I never asked what kind of chute I'm jumping in, I guess the next time I'll ask more about the canopy and pack job as well. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. I jumped with a javelin, I will check with my instructors for their feedback.
  9. Did my AFF1 on saturday! The feeling from freefall is out of this world, I can't wait to get back to the DZ this weekend and get a few more jumps in.
  10. aegis

    Vision training

    Yep I know that but wouldn't it be great to have perfect vision? Especially when it's not too serious in my case...
  11. aegis

    Vision training

    Has anyone here tried Is it BS or does it really work? I have about 150 degrees in my left and 125 degrees in the right eye, not suitable for surgery but yet I would be uncomfortable jumping without perfect vision.
  12. I'll be jumping at Richmond, Indiana. 7 years is a long time but hey it's better late than never. I can't seem to get my mind off this skydiving thing and have become adept at alt-tabbing to change my computer screen when I hear footsteps behind me... Hopefully my boss doesn't know I'm lurking in the forums or at some skydiving webbie all day long.
  13. Hi folks, gonna make my AFF1 (weather permitting) this coming weekend. It's been 7 years since I left the army back home in Singapore and did my static line jumps, after that it was a long period of being broke while in college, grad school and then super busy with work. It doesn't help that south east asia's like a desert for jumping as well. Anyways, here I am now working in the states and finally with a chance to get myself licensed. Having a little of the butterflies in the stomach now when I think of the view from the plane but I'm pretty sure I'm loads of fun over the weekend.