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  1. It's a very sad commentary in a sport as great as skydiving, when a few disgruntled bad apples would go as far as to try and discredit a dropzone for their own personal reasons with lies of which none are true and are even slanderous. I have been in this sport 33 years, I am a Pilot, FAA Rigger, and Instructor with thousands of jumps to my credit, but most of all consider myself a diplomat in a sport where people with enormous egos and poor judgement try to promote bad will to a dropzone with an excellent saftey record, safe gear, "as well as any in the sport", and a safe airplane with a door. When skydivers stoop to a level saying we have cleaner bathrooms than thiers, something is wrong. I am the Pilot at Skydive Williston and have no ill feelings toward anyone and would hope in the midst of all this negitivity on the part of the people that left that thier are none towards me. We here at Skydive Williston are a happy family of skydivers. We love what we do, have fun doing it and hope that the people that left do the same, get on with their lives and stop trying to promote bad will to a great sport. Charles "Ivan" Irwin, D-5635