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Posts posted by bastichu

  1. Quote

    Wonderful! I'm singing, and loving it!

    I also did my first nightjump a few weeks ago. It was a great experience. The funny thing: there has been a lot of unexpected wind so i couldn't make it back to the dropzone and had to land in a huge corn field. But it was a very soft landing.

  2. Quote

    None of you guys who have stated "we just started doing head down" or something similar in this thread up to this point have enough experience to be flying head down. Thats all there is to it.

    Stop trying to rush in the sport of skydiving, its only going to get you or someone else hurt

    Just this weekend we had a collision on a freefly jump of 2 very experience freefliers. One of which has a hard time laughing at the moment because it hurts too much.

    ok, you have a point there. but i believe that a lot of the expereinced jumpers tkink that they are perfect and know everything. that's why they do stupid things and get hurt. there is a way to learn and practice hd with a minimum of risk for both jumpers. when you are linked you are close to each other and you'll realize your forward and backward speed. and i know how to control my speed. when the distance gets too big you should stop hd and do transitions to sit. but i also know that most of you guys will never listen to jumpers with less experience. it all depends on your personal skills. some people are more talented and learn faster than others. the guy that jumps with me has 500 jumps and he wouldn't jump with me if he felt that i couldn't control myself. of course you need a lot of experience. but if you want to do it you have to start someday. but that's my opinion.

  3. Hi,
    I have now 150 jumps and i also started doing
    hd jumps together with another guy. We exit the plane linked and as soon as we are stable we release our link and try to fly in front of each other. it works pretty good. and whenever someone gets unstable we do transitions to sitfly and then go back into hd.

  4. thanks for telling me your opinion. i also believe that it is possible to achieve skills and experiences within a lower number of jumps if you take every single jump to improve certain skills or to learn or try something new. some of my friends that startet their education at the same time have done numerous jumps (actually as much as i did) and still stay at the same level - because they did not try anything new or asked experineced skydiver to teach them sitflying or rw skills or something like that.


  5. Quote

    yeah I started jumping my camera at 80 jumps and I started for just the reason you are; to film your own jumps. I thought it would have been no big deal, just get whatcha get whatcha get type thing. its not. Its a lot more complicated, I don't know how to explain it. So if your a pretty heads up skydiver and conservative you should have no problem

    I hope so :)

  6. You are right, i totally agree with you. With my experience i would never claim to be a camera flyer.By collecting more experience and improving step by step my skills i will try to become one in the future :)I recently watched a short video clip showing joe jennings while filming his partner during a skysurfing competition. I was really impressed by this perfectness.
    John when did you start jumping with camera (how many jumps)?


  7. Quote

    Sebastian, looking at your profile, you only have 100 jumps, I hope you are holding off on flying camera until you get a little more experience. Not getting off on that tangent, I'll get back to the post. My suggestion is this, take it for what its worth. If you are just starting to fly camera, hold off on getting a camera suit at all. Learn to fly your body to the best of your ability without the suit. I made the mistake of starting camera with fewer jumps than I should have. I also made the mistake of buying a camera suit right away I became very "dependent" on my wings to hold me in the positions I wanted to be in which hurt me in the long run. The best advise that was given to me was to learn to fly without the wings and they will be much more helpful when you need them. Good luck have fun

    In general i would agree with you. 100 jumps is not much. I made the mistake to start jumping with camera with only 50 jumps. Now the camera is an inherent part of every single jump and to tell the truth i don`t want to miss it. unlike the other students that started at the same time their skydiving education, i took every single jump to improve my skills in freeflying, jumping with others
    and to get used to the camera and the different aspects concerning safety during the opening sequence. Nevertheless it has not been the right way.
    thanks for your advice, i think you are right. first of all you should be able to do camera without any wings.

  8. Quote

    What do you plan to do with the suit? What sort of flying will you be doing? Have you ever jumped with booties before?

    I`m more a freeflyer than anything else, so I think
    booties won`t be the best choice. But i have to confess that until now i`ve never tried any booties. I think especially for a rookie like me booties would be an aditional thing you have to care of before and during your jump (as written in a previous post). But it is good to hear the different opinions from all the experienced skydiver in this forum. Thanks:)

  9. Quote

    This is America, land of the free.;) Each DZ probably has its own standards. It would depend on a few other factors as well. What are you filming? Your own jumps? Other experienced jumpers? Tandems? AFFs?

    Most tandem masters I know don't want you flying near them until you meet the suggested 500 jumps to jump with tandems.

    The USPA recommends 200 jumps to fly a camera in general.

    In general I´m filming my own jumps no matter if
    they are with or without other jumpers.But I would never take the risk of filming tandems without enough experience. What i like to do is filming my jumps and collecting nice clips so that I`m able to produce short video clips that show the best stuff with amazing music in the background.