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Posts posted by girthy

  1. keithbar

    So the consensus is it can be done . With a baggy suit and a powerful tunnel. Is Raeford one of the more powerful tunnels? I have been wanting to go to that one for personal reasons.

    No, no no.... the old school way of thought is baggy suit. stay away from that advice--- horrible all that crap floating around will affect your body flight. Cordura 500 is what you want-proper fitting. your body position will give you lift

    Im 6'4 and 260. I have about 10-12 hours coached in the tunnel (eloy and chicago) ..... and no, your sitfly speed will be normal when properly done and with a proper suit, the fast ones will be the ones with poor body position.

  2. I learned a lot from watching someone video my landings. Watching video i saw i was not flaring all the way. maybe only 50%.

    And some German guy at Eloy told me when to start my flare a lot better. He said to imagine someone is standing in front of you as you are on final. when you are at the altitude where you could kick him in the face, start your flare. my next jump- the landing was perfect. couldnt find him again to say thank you, but till this day i still say to myself on final, "feet knees together, toggles up, kick him in the face flare flare flare". ;)


    Just releases the buckle so the cord can open all the way. Great company, took just over a week to arrive



  4. Team Qatar, some of you guys are real pricks

    dragging your feet to hold the plane

    pretending not to see the lights so your spot is right over the dz, pushing the rest of us long (even the pilot said, watch these guys, i dont trust them)

    s turns on final, and continuing to s turn even after being told not to. laughing at the "no s turns" sign

    totally disregarding landing patterns.

    giving the office staff crap for wanting to check rigs

    walking across the landing area and not looking over and over. I watched 8 of you guys walk across and cut a swooper off. that poor bastard was screaming and you clowns were too busy flapping your jaws. after he landed, you jerks laughed. what is wrong with you? you were all standing still when he started his 180, and the minute he started, you clowns started walking. You guys were in the wrong! furthermore, you are lucky he was very skilled, you gave him a 5 foot isle and he did it.

    felt bad for people who showed up monday when they did

    Other then team Qatar, Eloy dz and staff rocks!

  5. Quote

    Florescent yellow
    Florescent anything

    I just bought a zigzag v3 and half of its florescent yellow [:/]


    Skyhook and magnets

    About 80 % of the jumpers buying Skyhook have no idea how it works. The only thing they know is that you can chop at 100ft. :S Good luck with that :)
    oh....and GoPro's

    and it has magnets and a skyhook B|B|


  6. I ordered my V3 a few months ago. I had a rigger measure me and order it. Its supposed to be complete in December. Today i double checked the measurements, and all the measurements seem a bit large. Waist, chest, torso, and leg strap are all a bit big some measurements by 2" over what i measured. Is this normal in case of jumping in cooler weather? or was this done incorrectly? Im going to call friday and question it, but wanted some insight first.

  7. By jump 15 I had all my gear. Some of it was purchased off DZ classifieds. I got my dolphin for 400 bucks. For my main, I jump a Raven 7 cell. This was packed as a reserve and only had one ride, nice white lines and no patches. I did buy a brand new Cypres and reserve.

    Dolphin 400
    Raven 400
    Fury 900
    Cypres2 1200

    Less than 3k in my rig. My DZO gave me a break on my student jumps because I was using my own gear. I am going jump this rig for another year, and then buy a new container. I'll keep my reserve and cypres, and sell my raven and dolphin on DZ classifieds.